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Search results

  1. The MOTHER of all Mothers............................

    I've seen other people post up what they did for their customers.... some knowingly and some unknowingly hideous, but it's finally happened to me. The client sent an e-mail to me with the copy she wanted on the front door. It was a horrible design and I thought she was just sending...
  2. Just wondering..........................

    Okay, here's the thing. Our shop has held two Nor'easter Mixers. 2009 and 2011. No one seems to want to take the baton for the next one, although it's been discussed many times. I've had quite a few people ask me if we would consider having another one. My reply was usually the same as to...
  3. Guess I missed the memo.....................

    When did OraCal change to Orafol ?? Is it still the same company/owners or has someone else bought them out ?? Had no clue this took place. :Sleeping:
  4. ............??

    I'm only wondering on this one. I was reading a thread earlier and saw someone signed in as a 'Guest' but still had the ability to post some answers. Is this the result of someone who paid to be a member, dropped their membership or what ?? I thought there were a lot of people who were...
  5. Here are some nice fubars for your morning coffee and donuts................

    and the list goes on...............
  6. How often does this happen to you..............??

    We do all kinds of things around the shop, we're constantly interrupted and we can usually blame a phone call or a customer stopping in or delivery guy or..... and the list goes on for...... misplacing something. I spend more time looking for a slip of paper with someone's contact information...
  7. Job Title Generator………………….

    With all this talk lately about titles and what we all do; here is an updated list of titles from which you can choose your appropriate place in society. Please….. feel free to add any below. :rolleyes: Yo…….. Pope Prince/Princess Ump Your Honor Lordship Sir Baron/Baroness Janitor Freeman...
  8. Obtaining a permit....................................

    We've had an hourly rate [ $110.00 per hour] for years as to what this would cost an end-user, but we've been asked by someone recently to PLEASE itemize it. They wanted to know what all it entails. Other than the paperwork of filling it out and going in and physically pulling it, what other...
  9. Any ideas.............??

    Hi everyone. Over the weekend I was at a yard sale and this old woman had some of her deceased husband's tools for sale. So, I asked a few questions about what he did and although she didn't have any of the manuals or instructions on these particular tools, she said, well, it isn't brain...
  10. Having trouble..........................

    I believe all the copy is the same font. I've looked in 3 different different libraries and keep coming up with nothing. The closest I've found is 'Hoefler Text Black'. However, I'm sure there is something closer. Any ideas...?? thanks......Gino
  11. Credit Cards............................

    As always, I'm not sure this is even in the right category, but I'll try here. A few weeks ago, we accepted a credit card from a regular customer for their transaction. It was something small like $129.51, if I'm not mistaken. Things went along smoothly until we were reconciling the...
  12. Colorific..............................

    Has anyone heard of... or used Colorific inks in their Rolands or other types of Eco Solvent printers ?? I was told about it just the other day and actually told it is the same company who makes the ink and private labels it for Roland who then puts their label over top. Evidently, Roland...
  13. For the weekend....................

    Have a safe and wonderful weekend this Memorial Day and please try to thank a uniformed person for their sacrifice[s] and dedication to our country for their services and keeping us all safe. :wavingflag: Thank you all past, present and future military people !! :wavingflag:
  14. Tech needed....................

    Okay, things were getting back to normal and then the problem with our flatbed finally appeared. The thin piece of brownish mylar which runs down the head has come off. From what I understand from Agfa techs..... it can't be fixed. So we are at their mercy to have them come here and replace...
  15. What a day..........................

    Ever have one of those days where nothing makes sense ?? Well, at first, it was like that today. We have one printer down, due to whatever. The tech is coming in tomorrow. She's good, so no worries there, but it's been out since Tuesday. Our 15" plotter doesn't work real good ever since...
  16. Who is at fault....................??

    Was it us ?? Had two electric signs to do for a customer which had track lettering on it. We did the whole job except for supplying the letters, cause she said she had special letters from corporate. They were blue instead of the normal black. I asked her for some of the letters so we...
  17. Fred... or anyone...................

    This place used to have a small triangle off to the left side of a post for reporting, I think directly to Fred or an Administrator. I don't see that anymore. How do you report crap to the Gods ?? :help
  18. Imitation Gold and Krylon...........................

    I'm not sure how many of you remember the color 'Imitation Gold', but it was a standard color for years in the paint world. It looks a lot like a mustard color, kinda dark yellow, but to be more exact... Century 21's gold PMS 124 We're quoting out a request for Century 21 and they want...
  19. Where to get one these.....................??

    I saw this the other day and now I'm trying to get my hands on some, as we have more and more customers asking for them with their business names printed on them........... If I told you the real name of them, the thread would be closed down for obvious reasons. :omg: So, suffice it to say...
  20. Uh..............

    What happened to the test ?? Did I pass ?? :popcorn: