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Search results

  1. Salary Range

    As in any business purchasing decision, you need to pay as little as possible and still get a good quality product that does what you need it to do.
  2. MASTER Vinyl Cutter Plotter (Desay Canada)

    A few years ago we bought a 54" master cutter just to do simple signs and banners. It did what we needed it to do, and if our only option would have been the $8,000 cuter that we have now, we would have never gotton into the industry. Yes, they work, and most of the time it will do what you...
  3. While we are on the "what I did" topics...

    some of ya'll may have remembered me asking if anyone had any tips or suggesting for making large portable 3 sided banners stands. Well, we eventually got them done, a total of (27) 8' x 12' banners, mounted onto 9 portable bannerstands with wheel bases. The total cost was a little over...
  4. Vinyl printer??

    Really? Finding 48" in certain materials has been an issue for us. On occasion we have had to pay a slitting charge to get 54" cut to 48" or 50". Overall finding 48" is not THAT big of a deal, it just depends on the vendor and brand, but it would be nice to have a little oversize material...
  5. Vinyl printer??

    I like our 1204 48" a lot, and I agree that if money and good quality are the only criteria, that model is the most printer for the dollar. but I do regret that we did not get the 54" model just because 48" subtraits are a little less common than 54" subtraits. Long term, the 54" may be worth...
  6. Minimum Charges

    We dont directly have a minimim charge, but we do have a "base" charge, and that base charge varyies depending on the product. By base charge, I mean that in our pricing formula, we start out with a small fee, basically just to cover minimal customer service costs. So like with our "vinyl...
  7. Server Systems

    We have a half dozen computers, but no true server. They are all networked to one computer that has an extra drive, and that drive is setup to be share by all computers. We store all customer files on that drive and I do not allow customer files to be stored on any other computer. Nothing...
  8. WEB Design Software?

    Dreamweaver here. I haved tried several alternatives and found that they were basically toys for someone who just wanted to have a web site, but did not have the need for functionality or extreme personalization.
  9. How many people use this?

    I bought one of those pocket size books a while back, and honestly, not a bit of it makes any sense to me. Its like a bunch of mumbo jumbo that does not reflect my products. Many years ago someone shared a copy of a offset printing pricing guide, it was crazy also. The book had stuff like...
  10. List of eco solvent printers anything other than roland,mimaki,mutoh?

    maynemag, We used to primarally be an offset printing company, but the offset printing industry is slowly declining and has been for years (recently it was listed as one of the top 10 ENDANGERED industries. So I had a buddy I had been doing business with for years, he owned a screen print...
  11. Corel4 help

    I havent seen Corel 4 in a ten years or more. Do you possibly mean Corel X4 (14)?
  12. Server dead, I'm so happy!

    I used to use an external usb drive, but it was a hassle backing up and taking the drive home, rarely did it. Now we use Carbonite. It is super easy to use, very cheap. I just hope that it is actually working as I have never actually tried to restore files.
  13. Is things really that bad ???

    You are probably right. I think that as often as not, when we loose jobs on price, it is because the customer is not compairing apples to apples. The other quote was probably done over the phone, the shop was probably not aware of the fact that this is a lighted sign, and was probably not...
  14. what is the rule of thumb for wrap pricing

    Most shops around here get as much as they can.
  15. Need to set a "World Record"...

    Girls playing football, guys cheerleading.
  16. Stay or Leave?......Very Undecided.

    Sounds like you may be doing your current employer a favor if you leave. I say go for it.
  17. Need to set a "World Record"...

    in late January. I am doing a powder puff event for a fundraiser for my sons highschool, we are going to have it on a Saturday and charge admission, but I figured if we could advertise that we will be making some type of world record attempt we could get a lot more people to show up and pay the...
  18. What happens to all the repossessed printing equipment?

    We once purchased an entire offset shop for $10k (we were the only ones to show up to the Bankruptcy auction). I sold to pieces of the equipment at redicuosly low prices, but those two pieces of equpment put the $10k back in my checking account, so everything else, counters, bindery equipment...
  19. Should you fire this employee?

    I have to agree. I would definately take away his key, or have the locks changed at his expense. Also, offer to do the side work for him, only not on the side. Let him pay you a "trade discount" so that he can make money on the jobs, much like a salesperson. Maybe the extra income coming...
  20. Dead, dead, dead......dead.

    Just like every year for the last 20, our business died the week of Thanksgiving, and it won't come back til the middle of March. I used to use those slow months to try to market, but I don't no mo. It was really a waste of time, if people dont want it in winter, they dont buy it in winter...