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Search results

  1. My company van design, feedback please.

    Perfect Mike. I like it!
  2. My company van design, feedback please.

    Mike. My 2 cents. I like it. It's colorful. That will get gobs of attention. That's job 1. Your logo is huge and it's legible. That's job 2. Your message. MAYBE try a more legible font but what you have works. Charlotte is pretty soulless, I agree with your comment about it being conservative...
  3. Shop organization examples

    Saw that. Gonna do it.
  4. Thinking about hiring a sales rep

    It will not be worth it. Try as you might you will have a hard time finding someone to work on a straight commission. Pay a base salary and it will take you months even years to recoup your investment. That is assuming they stick around that long. Your best option here is to hire a counter...
  5. Non-Commercial Wraps

    Here's a live one just came over the wire. Hello, I am searching for a company who can do a camo wrap for my son's '05 Honda Pilot for Christmas. Do you ever provide that type of service? Thank you for your time, Name Redacted Let's take material costs and labor and come up with a price...
  6. Non-Commercial Wraps

    I agree Mike. I do want to turn these calls into dollars, but they simply are unqualified to do so. I've had two walk-ins asking about matte wraps on Friday alone. Waste of time. PPC is an acronym for "pay per click" for paid search engine clicks. Probably for the phrase "car wraps".
  7. Non-Commercial Wraps

    We are getting 1-2 inquiries every single day. I kid you not. I think these inquiries are coming from our PPC instead of our organic search results. No easy way for me to tell the difference so, what a wasteful nuisance.
  8. Non-Commercial Wraps

    Here's a reply from a quote we sent out just this morning our quote was $2800: "Oh wow, I’ve looked at a few other places and for a solid color it was going to be well under $1000. But I have looked at your gallery and your work is like tattoo work. Good work is not cheap and cheap work is not...
  9. Non-Commercial Wraps

    My sentiment exactly. On at least two recent occasions my production manager took it upon himself to tell the client "Thank you for your inquiry, but we only do commercial work." I think this is a market that may not truly exist except for the occasional deep-pocketed customer or the...
  10. Non-Commercial Wraps

    We have sold a lot of wraps here in Charlotte, but over the years, 100% have been commercial wraps. Very often we get calls from the "average Joe" looking for carbon fiber roofs and hoods, matte black body wraps, but we NEVER land the job. I am sure it's a pricing issue but I can't seem to get...
  11. Font I.D. Help

    Does anyone know what font this is?
  12. Location, location, location?

    Well, no one's going to believe this, but the first day we opened our doors we sold 4 full van wraps to one HVAC Company. Huge sale. Other than that, we are averaging 3-4 walk-ins a day, mostly people that noticed we were new and asking pricing questions. Walk-ins have bought magnetic signs...
  13. Location, location, location?

    We were a part of the great Godaddy Denial of Service attack of 9/10/2012. Everything is back to norbal.
  14. GoDaddy is down.

    They do have great support. But it seems a little hard to believe they were shot down by a Denial of Service Attack. We were down all afternoon. No Website, no email. I do not believe we will leave Godaddy, but I do feel that Godaddy should have not been vulnerable to this kind of attack in the...
  15. Location, location, location?

    Yes. We have priced out our most common items, business cards, banners, yard signs, stuff like that.
  16. Location, location, location?

    We're slammed right now, I'll post more photos as I have time. Here is our Banner printing area.
  17. Location, location, location?

    This is a shot of our customer service the counter.
  18. Location, location, location?

    We are in and open for business. Took a month. Whew...
  19. Location, location, location?

    Crazy busy with the move. Crazy busy with work, crazy busy making sure the old location is spotless clean so we can get our deposit back and crazy busy getting settled into our new location. We still DON'T HAVE OUR SIGNS UP! :banghead: I promise to post pictures just as soon as the place...
  20. Spelling and grammar

    I have notised this manny times but never dramed of calling any buddy out on it.