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Search results

  1. Strange things that have happened - Twilight Zone Stuff

    As God as my witness, when I was 14 I lived with my family at the back side of 300+ wooded acres my father owned. Our driveway was a mile long gravel road. At the front of our driveway was another 3 mile county gravel road to the main paved highway. Our nearest neighbor was over 3 miles away as...
  2. Apple, what a fad....

    If you weren't Apple free, you'd know the answer to that question. :smile:
  3. Strange things that have happened - Twilight Zone Stuff

    One time I saw something impossible and I freaked out, then I realized it wasn't what I thought I saw and then I calmed down.
  4. What to do?

    This has nothing to do with color, customer service or satisfaction. This shisen head doesn't have the money to pay me and is acting irrationally to get his trailer back before I impounded it. Plain and simple.
  5. What to do?

    Believe it or not, the police have agreed that they can arrest him for "destruction of property", yes, even if it's a $10 Master Lock. This being just a minor inconvenience for him to have to be arrested and go before a magistrate and plead his side of the story. I have been given a complaint...
  6. What to do?

    I require approvals on all jobs. I do have his approval in a reply email to the art PDF proof I sent. He APPROVED the art. It matches the color proof that was printed for my installer. Called the cops this morning. I'm sure this is considered a low priority. Hopefully I'll have a "theft of...
  7. What to do?

    I'll call the police 1st thing this morning and keep everyone posted as this progresses...
  8. What to do?

    I have a good mind to call this snake, get him to come to some pre-determited location, where I and several of my friends will be waiting. When he arrives, we'll remove enough of the graphics to make this a bad deal for him as well.
  9. Apple, what a fad....

    I remember several years ago, when I first noticed and entire isle in Target was dedicated to iPod accessories. I went home and was surprised to see an article that quoted Bill Gates as quipping that iPod sales were "unsustainable." Here's a product that has an entire isle dedicated to add-on's...
  10. What to do?

    BTW. this is the side of the trailer he's complaining about. It's clip art from Vector Stock that he approved in a reply email. His complaint is that it looks "pink". I have removed his logo and phone number from this photo.
  11. What to do?

    Just wrapped a trailer for a client. Charged $2,000. and got $1000 down. Client came by to pick up the trailer and complained about the color. Color is dead on to proof. As we argue, I learn this schmuck proofed the graphic design on his BlackBerry. Anyway, dang thing looks good to me, and...
  12. Versacamm printing issue

    Looks like you need a new print head to me.
  13. Hello from Nairobi Kenya

    If he's not aware of those emails and offers, then he will be soon. I know you meant no offense. You made a funny comment and personally, I do not think it was a wrong thing to say.
  14. Printing from Ipad and Iphone

    Very cool. Thanks for the link. I can't wait to try it out. Here's the link for the Mac. http://jaxov.com/2010/11/how-to-enable-airprint-service-on-mac-os-x-10-6-5/
  15. Working in a garage

    As long as you keep the garage doors closed you should be able to heat and cool the space. Most garage doors do have a decent R-value. There are leaks around the doors but they can be reduced with well placed styrofoam. For heat I would recommend two electric oil (radiator) heaters. Those run...
  16. A Respected Member Could Use Some Help

    $50 headed your way. Good luck Arlo.
  17. Might be fun to have

    Jill nailed it...
  18. need new computer

    LOL!!! :goodpost:
  19. need new computer

    Yeah. Get a Mac. PC's SUCK.
  20. Digital Designware

    We use them and have been subscribing for years. The guy there Luke, is very helpful when I can't find what I'm looking for on the disks. He usually emails it right to me within minutes. It may seem a little pricey, but for me, it's a real bargain. I like having those outlines when someone walks...