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Search results

  1. Viewing status service maintenance kits on 700/800

    I can't seem to find this information anywhere or how to access it. Anyone know?
  2. FC9000-160 Take-up operation question

    "When “TAKE UP SENSOR” is set to ON, take-up operation is executed after completing one cut job." For long cut jobs is there any way to set it so the take-up real works while actually cutting? I can't believe it would be this limited.
  3. Caldera y-axis cutting marks reading on FC9000

    Is it possible to read the y-axis registration marks created by Caldera? I can not find any info on how to do this. The HP 700W printing bows just enough in the middle to throw off small cut out stickers but I can not get the FC9000 to read the y-axis marks created by Caldera so I can not...
  4. Gloss differential from Overcoat being a separate ink.

    This has happened a number of times now. PDF sent with raster elements that does not have pure white beyond the edges. For yards signs I don't worry about but for POS stuff it looks crapy. Not real practical to try to add a 1% raster over the whole job so that OC prints over the whole job, or...
  5. Magnetic media and HP 700W

    The user guide and HP videos says you should be able to print on magnetic media. The ones I have tried on the L360 had no feeding issues but on the 700W the feed rollers move but the media does not. I loaded the MuscleMag preset and that does the same thing with MuscleMag. Just sits there and...
  6. Does Caldera RIP Visual Cut have the ability to create Weed Lines?

    I can't seem can you find any documentation on this in the or anything in the cutter settings? Do they call it something different?
  7. Hp Latex 700W Space between continuous printing

    I don't remember the previous series printers have this amount of space between continuous printing (tailgating). Is there an adjustment somewhere that can be set for this?
  8. Has tech support gotten this bad?

    Is "printhead 01 voltage failure" a bad printhead? I can't even get a answer from them in 6 hours now. HP 700W
  9. Drytac SpotOn Clear tunneling on the 700W.

    I using the preset that is available online for 5 layer. At time it is fine and then I will get a section that starts to tunnel. Anybody have any advise for this problem.
  10. What RIPs support the onboard spectro of the HP700W.

    I am real disappointed that Caldera does not support the onboard spectro of the HP700W. What RIPs support the onboard spectro of the HP700W. Is there a list out there. Doyle
  11. Water Slidable Decal paper rolls.

    Anybody know a source for water slidable decal paper rolls? Anybody try printing water slidable decal paper on HP latex printers?
  12. HP white lnk Sandwich print costs?

    Anybody have per square foot figures what heavy coverage white ink sandwich printing costs are?
  13. Printhead status reports bewilderment?

    Force drop detector shows apparently different printheads than service plot. Are printheads numbered different in one than the other? I am sure I just recently changed #4 and #6 but why does FDD show them with the most nozzles out. According to the service plot I should be changing #3 and #5. It...
  14. Bantex 10 oz Blackback Curl Free Replacement

    Looks like Herculite is no longer producing banner media. Has anybody found a close replacement for Bantex 10 oz Blackback Curl Free banner? I have some client that love this stuff and would like to find something very close to if for retractable banners.
  15. hp latex 360 substrate was not successful added. Available space is full.

    After updating to firmware 01_18_13.1 and deleting the presets that the firmware adds, now I can't install new media and it errors saying substrate was not successful added. Available space is full. But I have deleted about a dozen media presets and still get this error.
  16. Caldera RIP Transparency Question.

    I can't seam to find the proper setting in Caldera 15 to be able to print this transparency fill properly without the fill printing solid. It will show the non solid fill on the screen but will not print that way. Went back to our older ColorGate RIP that I decided not to upgrade and went with...
  17. HP L360 powered by generator?

    10kW Anybody have a bad experience trying this? Some signage needs to be finished today so probably going to have to try this.
  18. Heat Activated Chipboard?

    Anyone know of a source for Heat Activated Chipboard?
  19. PayPal Scam

    There appears there is a serious scam going on with PayPal. They are saying that there was a recent change of activity and put a limitation on the account where I can not transfer money to my bank account. They (the scammer) are trying to blackmail me into sending them a bunch of personal...
  20. Adobe - Changes coming to the Pantone Color Libraries

    In March, 2022, the Pantone Color Libraries that are pre-loaded in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Adobe Color, and Adobe Capture will be removed from future software updates. To minimize the impact of this change, we are working on an alternative solution for the affected products. Stay...