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Search results

  1. 1324X INK END

    i can help you get rid of chips send private message
  2. Need Help Unlock ink chip for mutoh vj1614a

    hello i can help you unlocked your mutoh please send private message
  3. 1324x issues strike yet again

    if you want to unlock your vj i can help you
  4. Mutoh Valuejet 1324 [kcmy] Broken Chip Error

    i can help you get rid of the ink security
  5. Does anyone know if there is a way for the printer to bypass reading/detecting ink cartridges?

    I had sent you private message i can do unlocking
  6. Mutoh VJ1324 *Service* manual

    Please send me a copy of technical manual aswell, jugski@yahoo.com Tia...
  7. mutoh 1614 msa help

    We can help you by relasing ink chip counter hit message or email is at jugski@yahoo.com
  8. Does anyone know if there is a way for the printer to bypass reading/detecting ink cartridges?

    i can unlocked any mutoh model even new model, no more smart cards no more ink level hit pm
  9. MUTOH Firmware, 1000ml ink & the truth :)

    i can help you to relased chip your mutoh, dont bother to load any ink kind of ink hit pm
  10. MUTOH Firmware, 1000ml ink & the truth :)

    i can help you to unlocked your printer pm me
  11. Epson S70670 Service Program Needed

    hi can you send me also the service program, thanks in advance jugski@yahoo.com
  12. T

    large format printer specialist

    large format printer specialist
  13. Oh how I love all these problems with my mutoh.

    What is your vj model i can help you get rid of ink security email me jugski@yahoo.com
  14. mutoh vj628 unlock the inks

    I have solution for your problem please send me email jugski@yahoo.com
  15. roland cutter CAMM1 problem issues

    hi everyone, i have here roland camm1 plotter and it has some problem now, the fuse in mainboard keeps on blowing, we try to check voltage and power supply its seems ok, but when we replace fuse, and power on, it keeps on blowing the fuse. do you experience something like this? or do you know...
  16. mutoh vj 1204

    i have the solutions you need
  17. Vj 1204

    I can get rid of that error and you will run in open ink parameter. i send you a message
  18. Mutoh VJ 1604

    is it brandnew printhead, if it is, new you have a leaking captop, need to fix the captop vacuum, so that it will suck the ink out of your new head,