Kudo's to Fred here,...having been an administrator on a sign chat site before it is never easy to follow the rules and administer penalties once someone breaks the rules,..it's kinda like sewing a bullseye on your butt at a shooting range there's always someone who is going to take a pot shot at you from one direction or another,....the rules are the rules,....they should not change to suit any one individual's agenda,no matter how emotionally they feel they have been wronged,..two wrongs will never add to one right,...it's not an easy job but from where I sit Fred's a saint,..I would have enforced the requirements and banned any guilty individuals and sent them to their corner for a "time out" the second offense,..but I'm like a baseball umpire and I would give a guilty party three chances on an open forum,.... one warning,...second offense,...time out ( penalty for some period of time deemed fit to the nature of the offense) and third offense you are out period,....not that I am trying to suggest how Fred does his job,..it's his and he can keep it,..I admire him with the crew showing up here and the drama that unfolds daily,.....he's got a helluva lot more patience than I would have,...once again kudo's and thanks Fred,.....