Yea, I know that the virus issue is sort of under control, . . . . except for the one that was wrecking havoc a couple of weeks ago. Also, how many hours and how many dollars have been spent "protecting" your pc's?
Here, I have three networked Mac workstations, on line 24/7 for the most part. No viruses, no software. Don't give me that 5% argument. The geek who writes the first real Mac virus will be famous in the hacking world.
This poll was actually to test a theory and I should have thought it out more.
The theory was that if a person started on Macs, they would never try PCs because they were completely happy. If you started on PCs, a good % would try Macs because they eventually got frustrated. Yes, I'm biased.
A lot of variables to consider.
Now I know.
Macs don't have the virus problems that Windows/PC users have for one reason and reason only - it doesn't play well with others. PCs and Windows is designed, programmed and made to be universal which requires it to be more vulnerable however it means that it is more versatile and more consumer friendly. Sure it has its weaknesses but when a new user sits down and trys to operate the computer they CAN for the most part figure out how to get to their programs and open them and operate. Macs are proprietary machines. They only work well with their parts, their programs, and they are very hard to get used to if you are a new user who only uses them infrequently. This is what makes Windows a more profitable company - they can sell to anyone and anyone can use their systems. Mac is a speciallized machine and I would bet that Mac/Apple has decreased its revenue via Desktop units and moved to a much more profitable company via IPods, IPads, Macbooks, and other gadgets of the like.
The statement about easier to use is your opinion, not a fact. I could say the exact same thing about my Mac being easier to use. It is all in what you are comfortable with. My daughter who is under 10 years old is lost on a PC at school but has no problems using our Mac at home.
Yes you are right - it is an opinion, and I never put it out as Fact. However in the defense of the statement, your 10 year old daughter is/was probably used to using Macs at school - thats what the school uses so thats what she's used to. I'm speaking about someone who has never used a computer - Hard to find these days I know - BUT I would bet that if they did a study of people completly computer illiterate and sat them down with no prior instructions and said navigate these machines and tell us which one is easier to use. What do you think would be the majority opinion. Sure Mac is doing what they can about their OS but it still seems awkward, to me. And I've been using Macs on and off for the past 10 years. And 9 out of 10 I want to put my fist through the monitor. I only want to fist my PC 10% of the time. Just saying...![]()
Ding Ding Ding!! We have a winner! We tend to cling to whatever we learn first. It's called Human nature. How many here learned English first and decided "I don't really like English... I'm gonna switch to Russian."?I was always wondering:
did Steve Job pulled off a genius (as he is) marketing investment by donating Mac computers to all design schools decades ago?
I also discovered that if you really want to you can run OSX on a IBM clone.
I think this poll should be "Which operating system do you favour?"