
It's 1,000% correct.
However, I think it goes beyond Addie. He's just like a mouse pissing in the ocean.... he don't do much around here, so I don't think anyone really cares about his destiny. He's made his bed and for the most part, people want to just see the arguing stop.
My interest lies a little deeper...... because of the Addies, Cappys and S&Fs around here.... many people form all kinds of story lines as to what's going on. Some are correct and some others are completely wrong, but that doesn't matter.... what really happens is.... people such as this can make otherwise close friends fight with each other and friendships can be tarnished. All but one person that I've PM'ed with, regular e-mail or phone calls... have all stated that these parasites must go. There are some that don't approve of the methods you or I choose, but they want it done, just the same. Doug, you're like me and will voice your opinion or thoughts on anything and take the flack when it comes. To that, we are being '
US'. Does that mean its right or the right way to go about it ?? I dunno, but it's been my method soon going on 60 years. Could we do better at delivering our sermons or lectures ?? Probably, but then that wouldn't be '
US'. You need all kinds to make the world go round and I might not fit the bill for ambassador to Iraq, but I have other strong points and I'll let you know exactly what's on mind. That's why they have go-betweens. :Big Laugh
Anyway, Addie is a lot of fun and he knows it. He's just not very spry and that's not being mean. I've told him that in PM's and he doesn't catch on. Should he be banned ?? I don't think so and I don't think we should let it up to the masses, that's not what this place is. It's not a Witch Hunt or burning at the stake, but I do believe everyone needs to know what certain individuals are up to. Perhaps we can have a 'Who's Who' section. Yeah, I can see what my description will say................. :ROFLMAO:
Seriously though, I believe we just need to put a lid on the Bullchit and find a way to work this stuff out among all of us.
I know on many other forums... if anything close to what goes on here happens.... you're banned instantly. One forum.... if you type in F**k you're banned. Around here it is very free, so I would presume we have to be a free with our members and let the rotten eggs spoil some of the others in the barrel.....
Wait, that's apples, but eggs smell worse. Ah fugget, you know what I mean.........