• I want to thank all the members that have upgraded your accounts. I truly appreciate your support of the site monetarily. Supporting the site keeps this site up and running as a lot of work daily goes on behind the scenes. Click to Support Signs101 ...

Attitudes around here lately....


New Member
I am not even going to read this post! Lighten up sign-people!
Things could be worse, you could be an alcoholic, sign making, gun-toting, farmer saddled with multiple kids and their money hungry baby-mama's!!!


New Member
there has been a lot of sadder posts to avoid lately... this one was pretty funny for the most part...


Active Member
I am not even going to read this post! Lighten up sign-people!
Things could be worse, you could be an alcoholic, sign making, gun-toting, farmer saddled with multiple kids and their money hungry baby-mama's!!!

Hey there Charger......just hold up a G-D minute! I take exception to that comment. For crying out loud in the dark, I don't have a bunch of money hungry baby-mama's chasing me down.


New Member
Yeah, well your mother is an hamster and your father smells of elderberries!

Well, having been salted with a grammatical error, I can see why everything took the tack that it did.

If you want to keep a thread on track, never put "an" in front of a consonant. :Big Laugh

Interesting thread for sure.



Premium Subscriber
Well, having been salted with a grammatical error, I can see why everything took the tack that it did.

If you want to keep a thread on track, never put "an" in front of a consonant. :Big Laugh

Interesting thread for sure.


Perhaps you were sick the day the teacher wrote these rules on the blackboard for you.

  • an hour
  • an honor
  • an honest
Also, in keeping with my theory, you must've missed the next day......

  • a union
  • a united front
  • a unicorn
  • a used napkin
  • a U.S. ship
  • a one-legged man

Okay class, back to your bickering...... :thankyou:

Pat Whatley

New Member
Well, having been salted with a grammatical error, I can see why everything took the tack that it did.

If you want to keep a thread on track, never put "an" in front of a consonant. :Big Laugh

Interesting thread for sure.


Sorry, no grammatical error there. You must say the phrase with a French accent, the h in hamster is silent.


Just Me
So.... Hello Kitty tattoos all around?


  • helloKitty.jpg
    36.5 KB · Views: 94


New Member
I lost it with Addie in the open forum and for that, I apologize to my fellow members. when Addie first came on here, I actually called out Gino for being mean to him and asked him why. funny how things change. as mean as I was to Addie, I don't feel bad about that but I do for helping to make a thread turn ugly. like Jill said
I personally feel that adtecchia should have been banned long ago, and I'm not alone.
I think what happens is that we (or at least I) are very proud of our craft and we hate it when someone comes in who obviously has no respect for it and takes a big crap on our beloved website.
I too love our site and hate it when someone comes in and craps all over our site. I agree that we need to be nicer to new people who post and ask a question. I have asked questions and have always received answers that were a big help. I do try to help anyone that I can with a source or design feed back as I know how much help it is to at least get a direction when you don't have a clue. I have had some here that I just didn't like and admit to that. the funny thing is that most of those same people are now people that I think the world of. I don't click the ignore button as I do believe that anyone can redeem themsleves and can become a great member of the site. I have seen it happen time and time again. will Addie be one of those people? who knows as it is all up to him. for new members who are afraid to post, please don't let it get to you when you get negative replies as there are good replies too.


Premium Subscriber
That's a sick picture. I saw it earlier in the thread. Do you realize her 'winged kitty' is gonna look like a vulture with whiskers in a few years when everything there droops ??

Anyway, I had plenty of my vice over the weekend and my batteries are totally re-charged. Ready and reporting for duty 'Captain Pat'. :supersmilie:


New Member
I must have been hibernating all weekend to miss the awesomeness of the hello kitty tattoo club.

Nothing of value to say, just wanted to say something.


New Member
I must have been hibernating all weekend to miss the awesomeness of the hello kitty tattoo club.

Nothing of value to say, just wanted to say something.

well p#%% off a#ole, can't you see this is a f*&$ing thread about being f*&$ing nicer:Big Laugh:Big Laugh:Big Laugh:Big Laugh:Big Laugh:Big Laugh:Big Laugh


New Member
OK. Time for me to butt in on this thread. Attitudes? Really?
Does anyone actually work at a shop that isn't JUST LIKE THIS FORUM????
...or is it just me feeling at home here?

Now "someone" start a thread stating why the color yellow makes them sad. I'm bored! :)
I love this forum. To me it's representative of the industry we all work in! -$0.02.

-Carry on


New Member
Now "someone" start a thread stating why the color yellow makes them sad.

love that commerical! we need a comerical thread, love them or hate them. I really love the Gieco, "does a...." commericals. hate that jackwagon for State Farm. he sounds like he's been sucking helium. hate his squinty beady little eyes too.