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Attitudes around here lately....

Pat Whatley

New Member
Not that I'm by any means excluding myself from it but what's up with the attitude around here lately? Seems like every post in the last couple of weeks has gone from discussion, to argument, to witch hunt. I bet if Adtechia made a post about the sky being blue he'd get 10 people jumping his ass telling him how wrong he was and Lord help anyone who posts any artwork for review.

I know Christmas is over but have we already forgotten all that PEACE ON EARTH and GOODWILL TOWARD MEN stuff?

I think everybody should go indulge in their vice of choice and come back next week in a happy sunshine kind of mood.


New Member
The client will never go for this. It's too wordy. You're making a sign, not a menu board. What's with all the orange? And I can't believe you used comic sans AND mistral.

John Butto

New Member
Gray skys are gonna clear up

"I bet if Adtechia made a post about the sky being blue..."

It is Partly Cloudy with 33 degrees here today, no blue sky here.

Letterbox Mike

New Member
:goodpost:Good post Pat.

I agree. Sometimes this place can be a bummer.

Regarding Adtechia, he's definitely a strange dude, nobody, including him denies that, but so what? He's humble enough to ask for opinions and he keeps coming back, and he doesn't really sling mud around (that I've seen, anyway, but I don't read every one of his posts), so I don't really see who he's hurting. If you don't like him just ignore him.


New Member
Agreed. Most of the time I'm scared to death to post anything on here.
I start shaking everytime somebody posts a question about having there logo critiqued, lol.
Nothing in this world surprises me anymore.
Would be nice to see more constructive help or just don't post at all if you want to flame somebody.
I know I'm fairly new here but it's kept me from joing the premium section.
I'm not going to pay to be put down or humuliated on a daily basis.
It's not always the case but happens all too often.



New Member
i agree, i think it's the opinion of more than will admit it:thumb:

i'll confess it, i suck at certain points of designing but i can sell the heck out of stuff. that's why i have such good friends on here, i don't act like i'm someone i'm not and i'm an awfully good customer to many mm's, LOL!

foul language
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New Member
Like i was told when I was young, If you don't have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all..
There is a difference between constructive criticism, and just being an A$$.
I love when people post things here and people run their trap as if they are god. Guaranteed they would not flap their gums face to face.
RESPECT is something people have lost throughout the years and it is a shame.


New Member
I personally feel that adtecchia should have been banned long ago, and I'm not alone.
I think what happens is that we (or at least I) are very proud of our craft and we hate it when someone comes in who obviously has no respect for it and takes a big crap on our beloved website.

I do try not to be mean.
I do try to help.
I get sick of the p!ssing matches too.
And the sh!t stirring.
I agree, I think we're all in a midwinter jicker.
But I also don't want to pat someone on the back or give a virtual hi-five to someone who needs help and won't take it.
And I am not the world's best @ss kisser.
Maybe we should only speak if we feel compelled to do so.
But wouldn't that defeat the purpose of a forum?
We all learn from everything on here and people should not be afraid to post suggestions for critique.
If they do, they will be helped, if they allow it.


Active Member
I personally feel that adtecchia should have been banned long ago, and I'm not alone.
I think what happens is that we (or at least I) are very proud of our craft and we hate it when someone comes in who obviously has no respect for it and takes a big crap on our beloved website.

I do try not to be mean.
I do try to help.
I get sick of the p!ssing matches too.
And the sh!t stirring.
I agree, I think we're all in a midwinter jicker.
But I also don't want to pat someone on the back or give a virtual hi-five to someone who needs help and won't take it.
And I am not the world's best @ss kisser.
Maybe we should only speak if we feel compelled to do so.
But wouldn't that defeat the purpose of a forum?
We all learn from everything on here and people should not be afraid to post suggestions for critique.
If they do, they will be helped, if they allow it.



Premium Subscriber
Pat, you're right, but that doesn't mean anyone is gonna listen to you, now that you've seen the light go off.

I've always have been the kinda guy that calls it as I sees it.... and I do it quickly.

I'm not known anywhere for having a lot of tact, but I'm not always wrong, either. If I was a doctor, they'd say I have poor bedside manners, but I do get the job done. I'm not always 100% correct, but my average is very high.

There have been many discussions lately where some of the participants.... shouldn't even have been involved, but like anything else on the internet..... you get what you get whether you like it or not. The sorriest chump in the village here can mosey on up and give the poorest advice... and some unknowing newbie not knowing jack about some of the undesirables.... could easily take that bad advice and have something backfire for them. I feel if people are here to learn, they need to learn the ins & outs of business and if they want to join this community and the requirements sometimes lets a bad egg in...... we should also help the newbies by giving certain individuals a scarlet 'A'.

So what's better.... ??

  1. Allowing some idiot to spout off anything they wish and watch a possibly good person [newbie] go down in flames.....
  2. Allowing some idiot to spout off anything they wish and warn the others about the possible dangers......
  3. Allowing some idiot to spout off anything they wish and cutting him/her off at the knees in hopes they learn not to be so stupid.... next time ??

Treat others as you would have them treat you......................​
That's like putting locks on your doors. It only keeps the honest people out. If there are people among us who can't or won't play by the rules.... why should anyone treat them better ?? It's not fair to anyone to have a weak link be the determining factor for how the rest of us should interact. Some people can turn themselves around. I'm amazed at some of the people that once they got to know their way around have become great members and some friends. To those, I tip my hat, but then there are a few that you could jam a stick of dynamite up their butt and they still wouldn't budge.


New Member
ok, I gotta reply here... I realize nobody is naming names.. and pat says even himself included...

but let's not pretend this is a larger issue that it is... and Adtechia is just an example... Adholio is the large tip of a small iceberg... and i don't want him here.. I don't mind saying that, AND I have many reasons.. but it ain't my forum... so he's still here & I've tried to believe in the best outcome & encourage the guy... sure, I've bashed him more then most, but i don't start chit... and challenge anyone to find personal attacks I've ever started unprovoked... I mean... sure I'm acting all defensive, I see that. I am defending myself because i'm one of the most vocal to bash Addie... for good reason though... in my opinion!!

For those who forget, Adholio was trashing Lindy his first week here.

not a casual comment, but a chest thumping dongslinging challenge about the guys lack of artistic ability... not just one post either, a concentrated & unprovoked attack on a guy who's work ranks near the top 20 I've been inspired by in 10 years here... not just a single snide remark either... adhlio's tryin' to rip him a new cornholio... and in the end, I don't think Lindy has been back since... sure, maybe he had some anger issues too.. but I'd throw 10 ad holes to the lions to keep 1 Lindy, with the kind of inspirational images Lindy had to offer...

I called him on it... and with a few posts, adhole recognized the error of his ways & the fact that some change on his part would enable him to fit here... I confessed to my own public anger management failings & praised the second chances we get in life...

but a few weeks later, he's going after some new gal who was upset about seeing her high end design work on the website of some quicky-sticky competitor... he was relentless.. both barrels blazing... no frikkin' clue... just making up his own assumptions to hang her up by....

and then Marlene was taking unprecedented amounts of unwelcome & undeserved trash talking...

...but I know I ain't no judge jury and executioner... and our new ban-boy bash magnet starts posting ugly business cards... and i tried to help him again...

...and then this chit stirring troll adholio starts a thread about another guys design discussion... and that chit goes up in flames, because the dude is as inflammatory as possible, feeds his own fire, and gets exactly what he is after... you folks can go ignore the crap in your public parks, but I'm gonna make every effort to take the trash out where I like to spend my relaxing time...

...but he posts his logo design rejection pics asking for help again... and i turn the other cheek & spend my valuable browsing time offering him help... the guy is right frikkin' there to defend, or deflect every confrontational post... asap... but helpful posts fall far by the wayside if not get ignored altogether... fine.. my bad... ain't the first time I cast pearls before swine (ok.. maybe just shiny marbles... but they were MY shiny marbles)

..for contrast look at the guy who received the "hire a designer" comments... he has made leaps and bounds of progress... while the bash fest about "hire a designer" comments flamed on... that guy never flinched & just carried on mining this great resource for the value that can be had here... unscathed by a few comments that might have been the end game for a lesser man... ...and meanwhile Adholio's troller coaster rolled on...

...for those who think the attitude problem guys never help... maybe you only visit the trainwrecks & don't see who's helping who...
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New Member
I really love this site.

It's been a great source of information about all things related to printing and printer maintenance. Also, critique of my poor design work. My train of thought is gimme your best shot! I may end up in the corner crying for a while, but you won't see me :)

I'm no sign maker or designer. I just print and do my best at designing. Apply suggestions as best I can and then move on. I try to thank everyone in my post and if it's not there, I thought it :)

I love getting on here and reading. Sometimes giving what I consider contribution and others may see as blabbering idiocy. I learn all the time from the site even if I have little to contribute.

I've put up layouts here that I considered finished only to get a beat down (though the beat downs aren't as bad as Adtechia gets) or sarcastic remarks (you know who you are) and I just revel in it because it helps me move away from crap and go after something better. I think egos should be left at the door when showing something off at this or any other forum.

Addies situation brings the attachment to mind. Some people love it cause it comes back for more and others get constantly hit because they keep coming back for more (me!!!).

Cheers to all and thanks for a great site.



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