Fred Weiss
Merchant Member
I'll sell you my company for a dollar less than Colorado. 

looks like another phantom thread started by the hitman...
there has been numerous threads like this where the guy posts the same topic and never returns, i still think its a member here who likes to raise a little cain.
Insomuch as you come immediately to mind on reading that description, one might ask ...
me or someone like me...
But not me
ok for the guys with the smart *ss comments f*ck you and get off my thread. Now let me rephrase my post. I worked at a sign company so I have a good grasp of doing the printed stuff such a coroplast signs, banners, vinyl, plotting and laminating but little knowledge of the cnc router and accubend for channel letters that we did as well. I did the graphic work and made the finished product and dealt with customers from start to finish. so I have a fair bit of knowledge. My question really should have been I have a partner that is willing to invest in equipment for me I want to grab some good equipment to continue the kind of work I was doing. I know i need a laminator, plotter, printer and good size work table and material as well as my computer. I was going to get my materials from grimco. I was really trying to see a list of basic things i really need other than the ones i listed and maybe some brands that would be good to look at. at my sign company we had mimaki and hp equipment but I was only using what he had and i would like to know what other people prefer and also if they had an ideal setup what it would be thats all. so if you have any negative or smart *ss comment to make dont even post on here because I am trying to be serious and i dont need your crap.
ok for the guys with the smart *ss comments f*ck you and get off my thread.
mini-fridge for snacks!