Okay, so we hired three new employees this past week beginning on Monday. Two of the new guys will fit in great. They do their jobs, and when they are finished, they immediately ask what's next or find something new to do without any slacking off.
Third guy comes in and immediately is an ass kisser, talks constantly instead of doing his job and disturbs all the other employees who are trying to do their jobs. I already new that on Thursday he was going to be terminated.
I guess he didn't like the way work was going for him on Thursday and he sent me and my business partner this ridiculous diatribe going on about work that day. Then when he came in this morning, we handed him his final check and wished him well. He refused to leave and spent thirty minutes yammering on and wanted to know how come he is not liked at every job he has ever worked at?
Strangest letter I've received in all my years in business

His name has been removed...