OK I think I solved this issue. The linear bearing that I installed was the cause (kinda)....I called THK bearings, they make the roland bearings. I gave them the part number out of my roland manual for the bearings and the tech at THK told me that the bearing that I purchased from them is identical with an exception... The THK bearing comes with two horizontal plastic seals that keep dirt off the bearings. He said that they can create some mild resistance but on most applications thats not an issue. He said I should take the bearing out again and closely compare it to the bearing that was in there before. As soon as I removed the bearing and compared it I saw that the Roland bearing does not have these seals installed. So I simply popped the seals off the THK bearing and I have been printing so far error free. Something so minute and simple... I dont know if I am out of the woods yet, but it sure seems to have quite a bit less resistance now.
Roland Part number SSR15XW3UE
THK Part number SSR15XW1SS
The important difference is the E. To the THK tech it meant that Roland modified the bearing in some way to work on the machine. They removed the horizontal seals...
So... We'll see if this works out or not.