New Member
no comment I gotta make it look like I was jokingI think we all need at least 2 girlfriends.. Don't we???

no comment I gotta make it look like I was jokingI think we all need at least 2 girlfriends.. Don't we???
i don't understand myself. i guess it is 'cool' and i am sure your child and his buddies like it but so what you found/pinched/stole..whatever..some artwork, hit the print button and applied to a flat surface. it isn't technically difficult, it isn't an amazing or difficult installation and you didn't create the artwork. sorry if this is negative but i just don't get it.
if someone was to go to any member's website and snitch a piece of work that any of us had created and printed it we'd crucify the person who did it. i don't understand why this is different? is it because it is a large company and we can not relate to an individual person?
Geez, I am getting tired of hearing from the legal police in every F%$$# thread... Read my other post. EVERYONE ON THIS BOARD BREAKS THE LAW... it just depends on how you personaaly want to mask the line... Let it go!!! Dude you did a nice print & Install and your kids probably love it... that is what matters... If all the ones on here have only time to browse the internet and poindexter up behind a keyboard then they could probably use a more ballsy hobby, or a girlfriend... Just do what you do and enjoy life...
CPTCORN, I hereby demand that you cease and desist useage of your profile image. The work was created by my artists and your non-approved use of it amounts to petty theft.
The reason for the hostility is probably related to the recent thread regarding intellectual property. Many people here and outside of signs101 don't fully understand the possible ramifications of printing copyright material. Whether he did it for free or not, it is still illegal. Maybe this software company that produced the images does not care, but we really need to educate the masses. Next time it could be Disney characters, NFL players or Harley Davidson logos and images
Just because an image can be found online does not give us the right to print it. How many sign or wrap companies will see this thread and think "Wow here is another opportunity" fully unaware that printing these images for profit is illegal. Maybe hostility is not needed, but someone needs to speak up every time this happens instead of just giving a bunch of "atta boy's"
Think about all of the sports related images that Fathead prints. They had to be licensed in order to do so. But a quick google image search will probably yield images that are good enough to print. Nascar? MLB? College teams? You cannot print or cut those logos and images and legally sell them. Wraps for your consoles, same deal. The likelihood that you get caught is slim, but if you advertise it online or promote yourself by showing images in a public forum could get you in trouble.
Who knows what companies are lurking here. As signs101 gets bigger and grabs the attention of the big name companies, maybe someone will get in trouble from something they posted. The companies looking to protect their intellectual and copyrighted property are watching ebay and flea markets. Is signs101 next?
Morale: be very careful of what you post on here especially if it contains artwork that you did not produce and/or design yourself. And if you do post it, be prepared to be flogged by the folks here that do follow the rules and lose potential business to those that are careless and wreckless
Not hating, I actually things it's pretty cool... I don't feel superior to anyone, I just know it's illegal.
If it's not worth paying for, it's not worth stealing, and if it's worth paying for, its an artist that's worth supporting. So If you can prove I've stolen anything by all means.
Copyrights aren't as rigid? If it's illegal it's illegal, there's no gray area whether you do it in your house or at a business, or on the street corner. I can guarantee you those images are for press and editorial purposes only. You are not spreading interest among would-be patrons.It's also not your position to deter-main if that's smart marketing on behalf of Infinityward.
If the arwork has a creative commons licesnse attached to it, then my argument is retracted, and the makers/owners of COD4/ModernWarfare 2 had every intention to allow you to do what was done here and would love for you to do more.
It's amazing some of you are even in the sign business... Wow... I'm the bad guy for pointing out the law.