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can anyone blow this up and actually make out what it says?


New Member
It looks like a reflective, 4 letter chrome word. I still think it says HEAT. But Im not finding a hoodie like that.


New Member
Hey Slap,
Hope you can catch them! Can't stand people who steal what they won't work for. Better days ahead, right? Sending good wishes your way!


New Member
thank you Suz.

Yeah, there was 4 other business within walking distance from here that were broken into the same night the week prior.

Weird thing is my dad, he is the owner, thought that the alarm call was just another mouse setting off the alarm that night we were broken into. I told him just monday after talking to him about the other businesses getting broken into, watch, it will be the real deal and you'll think its a mouse. Sure thing, that's what happened when he got the call the night we were broken into. Some mouse right?

Lesson learned i suppose


New Member
thank you Suz.

Yeah, there was 4 other business within walking distance from here that were broken into the same night the week prior.

Weird thing is my dad, he is the owner, thought that the alarm call was just another mouse setting off the alarm that night we were broken into. I told him just monday after talking to him about the other businesses getting broken into, watch, it will be the real deal and you'll think its a mouse. Sure thing, that's what happened when he got the call the night we were broken into. Some mouse right?

Lesson learned i suppose

Too bad it is "Now The Norm"
Why do parents raise criminal thugs ?
Maybe with any luck , the next place they enter will have an armed proprietor that will take care of them .

the graphics co

New Member
Where in Penn are you, it definitely looks like two lines words one on top of the other. Possibly a local high school football sweatshirt.

I read what appears to be "LE" on the top line and "Foot" on the bottom line.


New Member
i'm in western pa and looked all the schools up and couldn't find one with what i thought was E on it.

ThinkRight, yeah, another local business's son stopped in the day we were broken into.... he said he was going to camp out at his fathers store a few nights with his gun and see if anything would happen.

I am also going to look at small hand guns tonight and also a licence to carry.... need to brush up on my target shooting however. I'm good at rifles with targets and clays, but not tiny hand guns. I shot a small one with a large barrel before, but i want something to fit in my purse and haven't shot anything like that.....

30 more minutes of working today and i'm gone... i have the open signs on, but my door is locked and i have to unlock it to let people in... at least i can see who is here. I ain't taking no chances on anyone at the moment. I trust nobody.

I just wished i hadn't have been the one to look at the video, but i was the only one who knew how to use it since i networked it to the internet... I cannot get that ******* out of my freaking mind, it's eating me up. I'm thankful we spent all day wednesday washing things, well my mom and my finance. I was to in shock and trying to fumble with the cameras to play for the police and lack of concentration. Then i simply walked around for clues or to find our cash register. I didnt want to be in the building.

It's weird i suppose, or i am. Just knowing someone was in here that shouldn't have been.

My dad got a little upset when i threw some of his dental things out that were in the restroom that day when we were cleaning up, said i was over re-acting... i told him i knew someone whose house was broken into a long time ago. A few months later, they devolped photos in a camera (this was when it was still film) and the robbers took a photo of the homeowner's tooth brush stuck between his a$$ cheeks... yeah.. bet you that was a good taste in his mouth when he finally seen those pics.

oh well.. i'm sure time will heal. Maybe when we get another cash register and radio, i won't think about it. Glad the piece off plywood on the door is finally replaced with glass, just need to reletter it... and paint the new steel door, but it too cold and rainy out at the moment. I want no reminders.


New Member
something like this?

there's like a big sports store in our mall... i might go there today and look for something like it.

We talked about posting a reward to the conviction.

I called 2 other business the other day that were broken into the week prior about putting some money up... one sounded like they wanted to let the police handle it. The other i talked to was interested after i told him he didn't have to put anything up till we caught and convicted the guys. So he wouldn't have to put anything out now.

I want to make it more public. I want it in the paper and on the news. Thats why i'm kinda determined to find this hoodie.

I'm sure $1000 my get a few tips. Especially if they are from the nearby projects. I'm sure people will talk eventually. Holidays are coming up and people need $$$

The other businesses i called have been broken into a few times. This was our first.

If they haven't caught them yet, they are simply going to keep doing it and i'm sure since my dad made it super easy without involving the police when the alarms went off we'll get hit again. Just a matter of time.


New Member
Give the footage to the news and make posters and put them all around the neighborhood.

NO - Don't do that, don't show anybody the photos till you can identify the school, and then narrow it down to a subject!

As soon as you publish the photo, and the perpetrator sees the photo of him and realizes that the hoodie is identifiable, he will burn it, and there goes the evidence.

Much like in poker you don't want to show your hand or you will loose. It will take some work, but eventually you will find a match to the hoodie in the photo, then you find out where they are sold, as as others have pointed out, if it is regional, most likely a local high school, or one in a neighboring town, you may get the coach to identify these punks in the photo.

However, I would not publish theses image until you get closer to a suspect!



New Member
the cops should have access to software that can enhance the image or at least they do on TV. what have they done with the photos? anything?


New Member
The Vancouver Police were able to do a lot with cell phone video after the Stanley Cup riots.....But there is a high cost for this technology and not every police force will pursue it.....


New Member
My two cents..
Let your ego go and move on. I'm not saying you aren't entitled to feeling violated and angry and have those fantasies we all do about catching them and having your way with them, but the energy spent on pursuing justice is rarely worth it.
It is very difficult to do this, as anyone who has been ripped off will tell you, but it is usually worth forgetting.

A story for you.
Two years ago my father died of cancer. He lived in an old church that had several apertments (lower income ones) Two days after he died I was cleaning out his apartment and one of the neighbours stopped by. He was a young guy in his early twenties. I told him my dad had passed away and he was quite sympathietic. He told me my dad had showed him how to weld in the shop in the basement and always helped him with anything he needed. He told me he was sorry for my loss and went away.
The next day, I came by do do more cleaning up and his apartment and basement were broken into. His welder and LCD TV were gone, along with some other tools. I ran to the front of the building, found the guys dad and proceeded to tell him I was going to break his sons legs, and I meant it. The father told me his son is a no-good punk and he deserves what he gets. I waited around for a while, but thankfully the kid never showed up, but the cops did. They told me this kid was in and out of jail and had a drug addiction and was wanted on warrents anyway. I went away so fk'in angry I could spit nails, but after a day or two I remembered that I had just lost my father and I had bigger issues to deal with than some hood with a drug addiction. I got over it by realizing that my life was way better than that kids in so many ways that it wasn't worth sweating over and my ego was the only thing that was making me carry this anger around. So I simply let it go and felt better.

That being said, I'd still like to run into him one day and punch his adams apple to the back of his throat, but I'm sure we'd both be better off if I didn't see him again.


New Member
The first photo in the series, I cropped and and tweaked brightness and sharpness a bit...The bottom line I am pretty sure says ALLSTAR at least the second part is almost definitely STAR..I check images for converse all star hoodies...I do not believe the top line is CONVERSE...the first two letters look like ET to me..I was thinking of ETNIES...but the 2 lines don't go together....Maybe it might make sense in your area, school teams, whatever. Good luck!