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cheapy cheapy very cheapy guy


New Member
What an ignoramus.
You should cut some oddball vinyl you have laying around.
Leave and go stick it on your wife's car (or someone who will go along with you)
Return carrying a bag of decent take out food. Eat lunch.
Have them drive it back over to your shop.
Park in full view of the limp d!ck guy.
Make a big show of them flourishing a $50 bill and you taking it.
Then whisk off the freshly applied vinyl 1-2-3.
Just make sure it's an easy to remove kind not reflective.


Premium Subscriber
Cut some vinyl resembling the stuff he took off and later tonight.... go over and put some of the vinyl back on. Maybe he'll think this stuff is just growing.

mark in tx

New Member
If you're gonna put vinyl on his truck just to hassle him, why not use up some of that scrap reflective we all have laying around.


$50.00 is lowballing yourself IMO

He probably wanted to use your solution free of charge to get it off by the sound of this guy.

Hell, if i seen him out doing that i would stop by and say, How's it coming?



New Member
Wait until he's just about done....then go over and spray a little rapid remover on the glue and wipe it off....then look him right in the eye and say "Don't ya wish ya woulda paid me 50?" :thumb:


New Member
Offer the good stuff $50 (rapid remover)
The cheap stuff $10

Then design a label for a spray bottle of "Dr. Stickumlotz's Reaallly Good Decal Remover"
Fill bottle with water

"Deposit Please"

New Member
That took me by surprise. I was just zipping around the corner to the other side of building & there he was . I almost had coffee coming out of my nose. I didn't believe was i was seeing. I stopped my car, wiped the coffee off my face, refocus my eyes & sure enough, he was still there. Damn, i mean "DAMN" He's not done yet, he just left with glue on his truck. I think he went on a service call. Another update maybe???

"Deposit Please"

New Member
The guy just finished up. I think he used everything in his garage & under the kitchen sink. He didn't want to go to "Day 7" Paint took some permanent damage. Also, looks like he lost a little weight. He was pacing back & forth for a couple minutes after he got done. i think he lost his mind too. I'm sure he learned a little lesson.


New Member
i'd print/lam a 2x4 foot fifty dollar bill on 3621(removable) and stick it to his truck....and watch as he just pulled it off in one fell swoop and doesn't know why...haha.


New Member
What does it cost this plumber to tell one of his guys to take three days to save $50 when they aren't out on a call?

I just send out 6'x4' adhesive with lam to a customer who wanted to save money by mounting it to backing wood themselves. I have a sheet for this that runs to two pages, half of it just on the preparation of the wood (in this case they have ordinary ply).

Sometimes trying to save money is the most expensive thing you can do.

I do love that this is a plumber though.

"Deposit Please"

New Member
Huhhhh, can't be true

Holy mother f#@kn sh#t, Posted this thread 8 days ago, i thought this guy finished up on removing the glue yesturday. 8 days later, he is still out there. rotflmao. He is using a broom, rag & garden hose. Sorry guys, my last time for any updates on this guy, he will never get done. . No happy ending here. It's friday the 13th & it's the hottest day of the year here. He's fried !!!


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