Alright, lets try and get this thread back on track.
Dan I wanted to touch on what you brought into light here....
I think its interesting that most people selling 'logos' to their clients that use clip art are unaware that that 'logo' is unable to be copyrighted
So is what you are saying is that if a designer uses is clip art in a logo, that anyone could have the right to reproduce it? This is quite interesting, how about if the clip art was manipulated in anyway?
Isign I never got back to you...
ummm... yeah, it would be "wrong" in the sense that it's not legal,
That is the answer I was looking for.
Well what I was trying to get at was what Bob bought up about, that...
There is no distinction between innocent casual use and intentional malicious use. The traditional injunctions cast far too wide a net.
Being as there is no line between the two does that make every and any causal use of a copyrighted image illegal? If so I think its a little ludacris as has Marlene stated...
as a professional, I respect the laws and do the best I can to obey them. in my private life, I would make a big old Mickey Mouse for my grandson's wall.
Same here Marlene!
Here's the difference: if it is your photo (meaning that YOU took the photo) then you can create whatever derivative works you like (tracing it in Illustrator, tracing it on a light table). If someone else took the photo (for example: a photo studio took the picture of your dog) then you do not have the copyright to create derivative works (eg. a cartoon illustration). This is why Shepard Fairey got in hot water with the AP photographer -- he used a picture of President Obama that was not his (he did not hold copyright or permission to create derivative works).
Good post and as far as the Shepard Fairey "Hope" Poster, I understand why he got in hot water but I also feel it is somewhat sad for if he had attempted to get the permission and failed, that he might never have been inspired to create such a epic piece of modern American artwork.
To go a little further into your post, if I created the attached image using the picture from the following link...
as a reference for the eagle, I would be in violation of the copyright?
Please excuse my ignorance on all of this.