J Hill Designs
New Member
well, the songs ARE copyrighted... 

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Oh Goodness.....where's my button...where is it......
BLEEEEEEEEEP....(that's the sound of my game show buzzer)
wrong answer. i'm not trying to bust your balls...but this is what kills me ... why make statements on a subject like this if you don't know them to be correct? it is obvious that the poster of this statement doenst have a good grasp of the subject we are talking about or as a professional in the trade he would not have used copyrighted images in his logo..let alone the US Post Office's images, I'm not trying to be mean here it is just abundantly clear you are not clear about this topic.
Obviously at some point Adtech thought it was acceptable to take bits and pieces of other's work and use that to make his own original 'logo' (off a disc he purchased from his statements) he has learned it isnt the case, i'm sure that was embarrassing and it takes work & money to remove it from his companies image, that could have been avoided. But where did he get that idea? Just look at some of the questions that have popped up in this thread about using sports logos for your own use and such...the misinformation or misunderstanding is everywhere and at some point it is going to cost you or your customers money if you do not understand the basics.
ok back to the song 'happy birthday' it is protected until 2030 because of the copyright extension law of 1998....and here's a little trivia for you. many will say it is owned by Clayton F Summy Music Production Company (and that is usually the correct answer in trivia games) but it is currently owned by the Time Warner Co. estimates are that it brings in over $2M per year in royalties.
Copyright protects both published and unpublished works but it does so for different terms. All unpublished works (pieces found in attics, archives, etc. and some that are in private collections) that were created before 1888 are in the public domain in the U.S. and may be freely reproduced. One odd wrinkle in our law: a work that was created before 1978 and first published between 1977 and 2003 is still protected by copyright until 2048 (no matter how old the work). That wrinkle may have been ironed out by now but I don't think so.
The artwork that you mention are all published works however. Each is in the public domain. In short, all works that were first published (anywhere in the world) before 1923 are now in the public domain. For a work first published after 1923 there is a complicated process to determine the duration of its copyright protection.
Now comes the interesting part: It is lawful to reproduce in whole or in part, take pictures of, and create derivative works from, artwork that is in the public domain. It is lawful to "copy the original." It is not lawful, however, to "copy a copy." So, while you are free to go to the Sistine Chapel and take as many pictures as they'll permit and then sell those pictures, you may not reproduce a picture that someone else has taken of the Sistine Chapel. Copyright attaches to that other person's picture and precludes you from reproducing it without permission of the owner of the copyright in the picture.
More interesting news: If the picture of the artwork that someone else took is of the entire work and has little if any of its own creativity then copyright does not protect that picture and it may be reproduced by anyone. But if the picture of the artwork that someone else took is of a particular angle of the art or is only a discrete part of the work or is lighted in a creative way or has any other indicia of creativity then copyright attaches to those creative elements of the picture and you may not reproduce them (or the picture) without permission.
it doesn't seem like you know what you are talking about in regards to copyright so your advice should be taken with a big ole' grain of salt.
guys, its probably Addie's worm posting again...
The irony of threads like this, is that when people that are without law degrees that rattle off this is/isn't allowed on whatever law is dangerously close to be violating the law as well. Whether or not what they say is correct.
Professions such as Law and Medical have very strict rules and regulations over such things due to the "intimate" nature of those professions. Now with the internet, there is some room to scratch and burp with regard to what you say until things catch up, as most people see the internet as a place that people still have to vet the information they read very carefully. As the internet is steadly becoming the first place people go for information(if it isn't already there by now) that'll change for sure.
But if you were to go up to someone during a "physical" conversation and say this or that is or isn't allowed under the law. You could be sued. Or if you say to someone, sounds like your kid is sick or sounds like you are sick, you could be sued unless you have certain letters after your name.
Case in point, I knew a barn manager that told a boarder at his barn that it looked like her horse was lame. She sued and won. The claim was giving medical(in this case vet.) advice without a license. Now, you might be thinking why as that seems to be kinda harch reaction. They were on the outs and I think she was especially wanting to get something to stick it to him. Not many people have evoked that law in my experience, but it's still on the books and that's all that matters. I don't know what he does now, but he doesn't manage that barn anymore. I've done it numerous times with boarders at my barn, still do. After so many years you pick up on that just by experience, but it is still against the law. As it is in TN anyway.
That's just another irony, that isn't far off from the irony that DanStriker mentions. It's because of what Dan finds ironic is why we have rules and regulations for certain professions. Regardless of whether or not they offender is correct.
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no what is ironic is the above post coming from a 'professional graphic artist' who is trying to offer services to the trade making the above statement, when the whole reason i started this thread was because of your statements in another thread in which you were passing along erroneous information about changing artwork by a percentage and stating that they were legal opinions of a judge you could not recall the name of ....
or until you at least, remove the USPS eagle off your logo on your website. why the delay? you've had plenty of time to pull it
I don't see the difference. If they put a light behind it and trace the logo, what's the difference in my doing that electronically? In my opinion, tracing a logo on a light box is no different than tracing it in illustrator. Both are wrong in my opinion.
this guy seems to be actively breaking plenty of copyright laws, but the web site is still alive.
I think the how to apply video was stolen from another site to boot.
Question regarding the final paragraph (disclaimer) on that user agreement...
would that in effect displace any legalities regarding the printer (aside from moralities) and hold up if you were to end up in court over a spongebob picture?
By the way whats up with using the Dr. Who phone booth as an Avatar. Isn't that a copyrighted image also?