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Corn Dogs, love em or hate em?


New Member


New Member
well, having lost interest in this dayyyys ago, I had to wonder, who could be responsible for injecting the appearance of life into a topic seemingly so unworthy of continued attention... well, a quick look at pg 6 and I think our original poster has clearly set a record for self promotion if nothing else...

...just so he doesn't feel like he's carrying this burden entirely alone, I'll throw another corny dog pic from a clients toy company sign I did some time back... one of several "weenie babies":


  • weeniebaby.jpg
    42 KB · Views: 126


Active Member
OK!....KR3signguy, This thread is actually becoming interesting. Do you own stock in "Fletcher Bro's". or "Pronto Pups" or "Oscar Meyer" or some such wiener distribution corp.? A thread entirely devoted to a cornmeal covered piece of crap marketed as a tasty and nutritional stick of meat. I happen to like corndogs but this is bordering between Advertising & Fetish.:Big Laugh I believe I'll go fix up a stack of Pronto Pups and wash them down with a couple of beers.........Then start a new thread,"BUD LIGHT", Love it? or Hate it? Maybe I can pick up a couple of "Endorsement Budget" dollars or maybe even drive up the price of "Anheuser-Busch" stock. If not, at least I did my part by drinking a few!