to the OP,
What is the customers intended viewing distance?
My .02 cents... Print the layout and tape it to a wall and walk with the customer to the opposite side of the room and have them read it. Then explain to them that this is how the majority of their potential customers are going to see the banner. The thumbnail view of your original post gives the same effect. Looking at the thumbnail, nothing stands out and it is not very legible. If the customer is persistent about using photographs, try to convince them that more is NOT better. One oversized and detailed photo will go a long way to help compliment what the main text is communicating.
A few select seem to enjoy offering critical commentary while providing nothing in the way of constructive advice or instruction. At that point, it is my view that all you are doing is succeeding in presenting yourself as a douche bag. In my estimation, Jillbeans consistently critiques effectively by offering constructive criticism and then follows it up with a possible solution that demonstrates the weakness of the original layout and how to overcome it. At that point, it is up to the OP the accept or reject the critique. Jill, I thought your alternative layout was attractive and effective.
As far as critiques go, I would suggest that critiquing ones artwork is profitable and constructive, but critiquing the character of the OP seems inappropriate.