Hell No!! Indesign is fine for people that don't know how to use illustrator or for laying out a magazine where I need to view multiple pages at once.
However, trying to use it for laying out a business card or simple postcard is stupid. I have enough problems fixing those so called "graphic artists" garbage to make it fit bleed, trim, and safe areas.
Indesign is basically a replacement for pagemaker. Which I used when I was an apprentice typsetter / platemaker / ink monkey and it was the best tool at the time. I have since streamlined my workflow by using illustrator. I don't plan on making my life harder than it needs to be, because some moronic entry level college kids didn't bother to learn how the real world operates outside of there overpriced macs & I this & that who started pushing indesign for everything print related.
I respectfully disagree Addy. If using InDesign for business card layout is "stupid", then I guess I'm stupid! If you have that much trouble using InDesign for the tasks you mention, then you obviously don't know how to use the software or you haven't put the effort in to learning it!
On average, we produce 12 sets of business cards EACH AND EVERY DAY. We use both InDesign AND Illustrator for business card layouts. Where InDesign shines over Illustrator is for those customers who have several (say 50 - 500 employees) who require business cards. InDesign's library feature is the absolute best way to handle this volume of business cards that use the same base with different imprint information. Would you rather have ONE single base card with a library of a hundred names you can simply drop onto the base card or would you rather have a 100 page Illustrator document (or even worse... 100 documents). All I ask is that you don't trash something you don't really understand!
And before you ask the question; I have been using the Adobe products since the Aldus days before InDesign was given birth after the death of PageMaker. When you know what you're doing, Illustrator and InDesign work great individually AND they work superb TOGETHER!!
Its not what is produced but the overall interface and way one moves through the program that I dislike. Use what you like. I've never met any designers in my career that give a thought to using Corel and have only ever received one Corel file while working for a print house. I never said "Corel can't make good looking art".
I work with a couple of Art Institute graduates who tell me they've never even seen Corel software.
The reason most up and coming designers haven't heard of Corel, or don't use Corel is mainly because Corel stopped making a Mac version years ago. I am sure that most design schools, art institutes, etc... use Mac, thus these people are learning with Adobe products. Just my opinion though... not intending to create a Mac vs. PC debate at all!
When you sell your left kidney and your first born to afford one. It could look like a turd on a stick and your going still going to think it looks nice.
Just because you can't afford one, doesn't mean they are not worth what they cost. My god I'm sick of hearing people say that Mac computers are over priced! Sure, they are overpriced because you can't afford it. I use Mac at home and work because I can afford them and I have had nothing but pleasurable experiences with them (keep your minds out of the gutter). It's typical though... those who don't have always trash or speak poorly about those who do! Then there are those who can afford them but simply choose not to because they prefer something else. I respect those people for the decision they make!
da boy still aint come back to TELL all us corel users what "respectable software" HE BELIVES TO BE BETTER THEN COREL)))))))))))))))))
You summed it up here OldPaint with the words "da boy". (most) Kids these days are far too opinionated for their own good. They have no real experience (in life or business) and yet they feel they have earned the right to tell everyone else what's right and wrong with what they're doing! Sure, the OP of this thread was likely just trolling, but it did open up some great points and lessons that go far beyond one software vs. another. The "kids" on here won't give a sh** about what I'm saying, and frankly I don't care. I respect their opinions, but I definitely don't respect their attitude towards others' opinions!