to answer your question about what i learned in ART SCHOOL, by the way it was PENN STATE a computer was not something that we had. we still typed term papers on TYPEWRITERS!!!! my computer graphic knowledge is all self taught. i also build my own computers, so not only do i use the most versatile programs but i can build a computer to accommodate programs)))))) so much for "schoolin"!!!!
when i lived in sarasota, fl 82-98(and i was in this business then) the most well know art school around is in sarasota. RINGLING SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN. and guess what everybody who came out there was using........ MACS!!!! mac gave them to the school and the softwear to program their they BOUGHT MACS AND ADOBE!!!!
If I can somehow make it work, someone of your caliber should be able to really make it scream.
I work with a couple of Art Institute graduates who tell me they've never even seen Corel software.
if a sign company is getting top dollar for a busy over over designed graphic sign the amount of money is irrelevant. it's still a crap sign.
software is designed by "engineers". from the ones i know, they snicker at the idea of complex solutions. the best engineer is the one that can accomplish the task with the least code and or the simplest pcb or the least parts. that is the one who deserves the most money.
the free market wants the most bang for the buck. so getting the most money for software can, but not always, be attributed to brand loyalty and entrenched legacy usage.
i used to be in the ministry. the king james bible was "the" translation. why? i can not tell thee.
i'm all for the masoretic and respectus, over others. i was making a comment about clinging to the thees and thous. next to an interlinear it's great.
Because, the King James Bible was translated directly from the Hebrew and to this day is deemed one of the most accurate translations from the Hebrew into the English Language.
Sorry for theJust found that one interesting enough to answer. Not many times on here I can use some of the arcane knowledge rattling around in my skull.