New Member
I'm Done !
So you're gonna do what Techman's hinting at and move to mongolia, ya?
Juuuuust kidding. (that's actually just meant to rib techman a little - doesn't matter that there might be some backwards country where it's legal. We don't live there and neither does the russian dude)
I think any company that can get the old broken dongle should charge maybe 120 tops to replace it. Putting the information onto the dongle is nothing, maybe $20 of someone's time... The dongle itself can't be more than $40 or $50. Throw in a few bucks for shipping. The fact that some companies charge $300 annoys me a little, but I'd still go with their policy. In a way we're kind of spoiled by how easy it is to copy software. We're lucky there's any kind of option... You don't get a backup copy of a $5000 wedding ring.
I don't know,
all of us whipping out our dongles and posting picks of them on line just sounds bad - might even be illegal here in the islands.
wayne k
guam usa
(doing my part to help meet the idiotic reply quota)
Kind of neat, the USB switching thing. But wouldn't be able to use it between home and office I guess?
Couldn't someone control the work computer remotly from home?
Hypothetical :
I buy a $40,000 Mercedes and it comes with 1 key that has a computer chip.
I can go make as many keys as I want for that Mercedes, even though they are computer chipped for my car only,
and I may have to pay $150 per key, but I sure as hell don't have to pay $4000 or get stuck not being allowed to have extra keys
for the car that I paid so much money for . . . Isn't it the same damn thing !
Four pages have gone by now and I'm still waiting for a pic.......
As a heads up, Softrip will not work while running under remote desktop. The dongle will not be recognized.
I wish I could believe that it is all about the safety of the software and to stop the pirates. But PLEASE.... if the dongles were only $10 the pirates wouldn't waste their time.
The software companies are the ones driving the Mercedes here, note the sign guys.