Arlo Kalon 2.0
New Member
If this were a bar, I'd be drinking FREE all nite long.
Yeah, maybe. A pic would go a LONG way towards helping me choose which line I'd use. C'mon, PROVE it!
If this were a bar, I'd be drinking FREE all nite long.
Gino, cmon you should know who this is! Who else use to call you "Geno" & "Gene" and that person also was tough at spelling. Who do you think this is?
I hope she is real. She is only an hour away from where I live....
keep dreeming stokker. you our not my type. I go for more free spritited guys and girls, and besides I am married now so live is diffrent.
First off you can't be in this biz and spell every 3rd word wrong. You would not survive a day.
Whats weird is that at the bottom of Edna's threads she has a 2 line saying and incredible as it may seem, there are no spelling so?
Listen hear Alro you need to hop a frate train like your old man Woody and
sing some songs coz your alditute ain't cutting it with me....
Edna can't help it. The "buffeting action" from those windmills in Rock Port has probably driven her nuts. At least I think that's what the guy on the Dyson commercials said would happen.
Listen hear Alro you need to hop a frate train like your old man Woody and
sing some songs coz your alditute ain't cutting it with me....
Gene, that is kind of a mean picture, I thot we were tight! All those PM's
you sent where just tok?
There's at least won speeling errer.
keep dreeming stokker. you our not my type. I go for more free spritited guys and girls, and besides I am married now so live is diffrent.
Once I had a girl in Missouri, made purdy signs but couldn't spell cat
She was the best vinyl weeder I ever met, I still dream about that
I found her cutting copyrighted stickers down at the local dirt track
She swears she will keep making them stickers if the law ever brings her back
Edna, marryed or not will you be my sweet heart?
I'll make the files you weed the vinyl and we'll n'er be apart
Edna you'll always be a hot sign chick to meeee
good ol' Edena, from down in Mizz-ooh-reee
(To the tune of Rocky Top...since we don't have so much as a coach any more, why not use the song?)