I know many parents that have done the civilized thing and reprimanded their kids with stern words, grounding, no allowances and other such things... kinda the new way of discipline for your children. For the most part it doesn't work. They just learn how to be sneaky and say yes ma'am... yes sir, I won't ever do that ever again, but go out and do it all over laughing their stupid little heads off. These kind of parents want to be friends with their kids and fit in and not look or sound like the mean old parents of yesteryear. Well, forget it. It generally doesn't work unless you have really strong parents which give such incredible role models to impersonate, they learn by example.
The kid was wrong and perhaps he didn't set a good example, but as long as any kid of any age or any friend is going to live under my roof.... it's my way or the highway.
If I'm paying the bills, I get to rule. Is that fair ?? I dunno, but it's my house and if ya don't like rule #1, get out quick and don' let the door hit ya on the way out. Does this mean I don't like you or love my kid or whatever ?? No, not at all. It's just about who's the leader and who's the follower. Wanna rule ?? Get your own crib and do as you please.
Again, in the country or the city around here, you can't just fire off 7 rounds... recklessly and not pay the consequences, but it was only done for effect.
How many of you condemning him for shooting this thing... hasn't thrown something or slammed something down on the ground when you've just reached your wits end ?? It's a whole lot better than straggling the kid or spanking her. When you reach the end of your rope, you need to release so you don't do something really stupid. Well, the gun part made it final. He killed her chance of using it. Do you think a hatchet or sledge hammer would've been more effective ?? Nope, not me. How 'bout tossing it into the pool or hiding it ?? Nope, this is the supreme silencer and rather convincing.
Maybe more people watching this might be alerted to what and how their kids are doing on these silly places and start finding out all kinds of things about their kids. Besides, they won't be invading their privacy if they blurb this stuff all over the internet.
It's time more parents start controlling their children, stopping the rude behavior they are developing and create more responsible young kids into becoming responsible young adults.
What would've really been neat, is if he had a bazooka and blown it to smithereens. Now that would've been cool..........