New Member
You know I've never really used them iSign and they are only a state away! I will give them a shot on your recommendation, as well as, let them know who sent me!
have you ever dealt with Advantage Sign Supply?
I have found them to be the absolute best vendor I have ever dealt with in my 20 year in this trade, and 14 years owning this company. Since first dealing with them, anything I need, I will choose to buy from them first, buying elsewhere only if they don't sell what I want. I don't nickle and dime my purchasing too much, as I find i make it up on the quality of service. They have been (& presumably still are) merchant supporters of S101 too!
I used them allot when i first began and your right nobody beets them as far as i know but then again i only used Garston and them so it wasn't a hard choice.Pm me some day lets get to know each other,not too many people from NE.Top marks to Nepco Products out of R.I great company to do business with.
Advantage have great customer service.
At last count there are seven Signs 101 members who are representatives of Fellers. They have never shown any interest in becoming Merchant subscribers though.
Fred Weiss
who wouldn't cater to you Mosh?Your well respected in the this business and did have many employees some time ago.That sucks, because I have nothing to say but good things about Fellers (other that that crappy hat Frank wears) My rep is Sonny Liston (no not the boxer, but that is a cool name) and she checks on me at least once a month and price matches ANYTHING. Now my free shipping did go from $50 to $100, but you know shipping is going up with fuel prices so I can unsterstand that. They are the Wal-Mart of the sign supply world and have alot to offer. I have been with them since it was Ameriban and was a three page catalog sale on transfer tape....I am going to drop Sonny a line to join the 101 an see if we can get some Signs101 deals going!!!!
who wouldn't cater to you Mosh?Your well respected in the this business and did have many employees some time ago.