Howard hope you read this
I am having a FC7000-75 (I think that's the one) shipped to me overnight through Tom Flack (owner) from Creavtive Visual Systems (What a GREAT company...really going the extra mile for me on this). Maybe you are handling this? I know it's coming from CA.
I zapped out our old plotter the other day by touching the display panel...static electricity...I could smell the smoke LOL
it still cuts - I just can't control anything. Have too many jobs on the board for me to mess with I decided on the Graphtec over a Gerber.
The Gerber was nice, but only 24" and I don't have time for the learning curve regarding the Omega software - so Graphtec it is!!!
I was told it will run on Windows 98. Hoping this is the case as we have an older computer dedicated to the plotter and did not want to upgrade at the moment considering everything else. Will this run on Windows 98?
We use Corel 9 and (on that computer) at the moment, but can upgrade to 11 on it, just not 12 or the new x3 since it is 98.
This is one of those last minute - in dire need - when the frige I haven't had any time to research all the facts.
Is there anything you can think of that will hinder me with the software I'm running at the moment?
Not that it would stop the purchase at this point, for I think it may have shipped already
and please tell me it at least comes with an extra blade

hehe I hope Visual carries the extras cause' I don't even know where to purchase accessories at the moment.
I know so little since it was a quicky decision, I'm also hoping I can
pen plot and possibly pounce.
And hoping since it is a 30" there are 3 pinch wheels?
(now that I see all I've asked, I almost purchased blindly...I trust Tom)
for anyone looking to purchase
I highly suggest contacting Visual Creative Systems
they have gone above and beyond to help me last minute like this.
As you can see in the link - their tag line is
"Service is our number one product" and let me tell you they're not kidding!!