My .02¢ a logical breakdown of gun laws.
A) Murder is against the law. Regardless of methods used, murderers choose to break that law. It seems to be the most severe law you can break. Enacting restrictive gun laws are in hopes to prevent such people from obtaining them to carry out murder. In doing so it also prevents non-murderers, law abiding citizens from having the ability to use guns as protection. By Definition, a person intent on murdering is intending on breaking the most important law carrying with it the most severe penalties...proving they do not intend to follow "laws". It logically follows that regardless of the "intentions" of the laws, they only negatively impact "law abiding" citizens and "enable" murderers a safer environment in which to carry out the act of murder.
B) accidental death by firearms is unfortunate. However it is due to negligence or lack of education just as accidental deaths by other means. Accidental deaths are caused by vehicles, poisons, ladders, etc, in FAR GREATER numbers than firearms. Calling for bans on more types of guns will not logically prevent those accidents any more than calling for restrictions on more models of automobiles.
C) child deaths by firearms. As alarming as it may sound...if you discount the deaths of "gun violence" on people ages 17-19 you cut the number of child deaths in HALF!!! Since when are 17-19 year old's considered children?
D) "Gun Violence" is a term used as propaganda. Guns are not violent just as spoons do not force feed people into obesity. There are entire populations being killed off in African genocides without the use of firearms, just as there have been thousands of years before the arrival of firearms. Firearms are not the problem and killing did not arise with their arrival.
A lack of respect for life, hatred, ignorance, and mental illness are all part of the problem. Firearms are only a scapegoat.