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Gun threads

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Premium Subscriber
Although there was most definitely a Queen who probably needed depends changed repeatedly throughout the war, her husband.... the King, George VI was in charge and more referred to then her. Later in 1952, their daughter, Elizabeth II, came to the throne upon his early death.

John Butto

New Member
Do not think he is a "instigating crap disturbing troll" as you say, Techman. He just has a different opinion on the subject. And since we have guns to defend the laws he has free speech just as you do.

John Butto

New Member

Although there was most definitely a Queen who probably needed depends changed repeatedly throughout the war, her husband.... the King, George VI was in charge and more referred to then her. Later in 1952, their daughter, Elizabeth II, came to the throne upon his early death.
I referred to the Queen who at the time of WW2 was the daughter of the King, and I am sorry Gino that you did not understand the reference and had to use Google this morning. That is why the "joke was panties at first and Depends later. But I see that went over your head. Meet me in the street at sunrise and we will settle this with a good old gunfight.


Premium Subscriber
No sweat, but believe it or not, I didn't have to use your Google Search. I already knew it.

Wanna meet at dusk, instead ?? Outside a bar or sumptin ?? Sunrise is too early for me to get up and be somewhere. You just want me looking into the sun and shaking.

Am I gonna slap your face with a glove or are you gonna smack mine and do this English style ??


New Member
God bless America


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Kentucky Wraps

Kentucky Wraps
My .02¢ a logical breakdown of gun laws.
A) Murder is against the law. Regardless of methods used, murderers choose to break that law. It seems to be the most severe law you can break. Enacting restrictive gun laws are in hopes to prevent such people from obtaining them to carry out murder. In doing so it also prevents non-murderers, law abiding citizens from having the ability to use guns as protection. By Definition, a person intent on murdering is intending on breaking the most important law carrying with it the most severe penalties...proving they do not intend to follow "laws". It logically follows that regardless of the "intentions" of the laws, they only negatively impact "law abiding" citizens and "enable" murderers a safer environment in which to carry out the act of murder.
B) accidental death by firearms is unfortunate. However it is due to negligence or lack of education just as accidental deaths by other means. Accidental deaths are caused by vehicles, poisons, ladders, etc, in FAR GREATER numbers than firearms. Calling for bans on more types of guns will not logically prevent those accidents any more than calling for restrictions on more models of automobiles.
C) child deaths by firearms. As alarming as it may sound...if you discount the deaths of "gun violence" on people ages 17-19 you cut the number of child deaths in HALF!!! Since when are 17-19 year old's considered children?
D) "Gun Violence" is a term used as propaganda. Guns are not violent just as spoons do not force feed people into obesity. There are entire populations being killed off in African genocides without the use of firearms, just as there have been thousands of years before the arrival of firearms. Firearms are not the problem and killing did not arise with their arrival.
A lack of respect for life, hatred, ignorance, and mental illness are all part of the problem. Firearms are only a scapegoat.

mark galoob

New Member
fmg, you know that the same kind of number crunching could be used looking at the UK deaths. i understand that violent crime actually went up signifintly in the uk after the gun ban and even after it leveled out, it is still higher than what it was before the ban.

i also just read that in india, there are thousands of women applying for gun permits following the violent murder of that women. i understand that they all have been denied because the government says it will be "cracking down" on the gang rape problem. they passed a resolution to that effect so i guess all the women there must feel safer about traveling now that there is such a cool peice of paper protecting them.

what a shame that somebody couldnt protect that women from those monsters. all it would have taken is one bystander with a pistol and that violent attack/murder would not have happened.

mark galoob

mark galoob

New Member
ps fmg...lol i get ALL my alien info out of the sun also, along with the national enquirer, so yup, thats some legit news sources

mark galoob:ROFLMAO:


New Member
fmg, you know that the same kind of number crunching could be used looking at the UK deaths. i understand that violent crime actually went up signifintly in the uk after the gun ban and even after it leveled out, it is still higher than what it was before the ban.

i also just read that in india, there are thousands of women applying for gun permits following the violent murder of that women. i understand that they all have been denied because the government says it will be "cracking down" on the gang rape problem. they passed a resolution to that effect so i guess all the women there must feel safer about traveling now that there is such a cool peice of paper protecting them.

what a shame that somebody couldnt protect that women from those monsters. all it would have taken is one bystander with a pistol and that violent attack/murder would not have happened.

mark galoob
It is a shame that the 26 innocent people in Newtown were not protected from that vile lunatic who had easy access to the weapons his excuse of a mother had in her house.If the gun laws might be a bit more stronger and stricter in the USA tragedies like this might not occur too often as they do.Time to stand up to the NRA just like people did with the Tobacco industry did and look how that made a huge change.


New Member
God bless America

Cute- now try getting your data from somewhere that's accurate.

Americans killed in wars since your dates is 1,320,000 (approximately).

Deaths by guns is averaging about 10,000 per year. So in your example, that would be 18 years and 180,000.

Not sure if that's old math being done or what, but where I was learned, 180,000 is not more than 1,320,000.

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
what a shame that somebody couldnt protect that women from those monsters. all it would have taken is one bystander with a pistol and that violent attack/murder would not have happened.

mark galoob

That notion is quashed by the multitude of incidents over the years of bystanders choosing not to become involved when something violent is taking place. My ex-wife was attacked by a rapist as she got in her car outside a Sears store. A crowd of 20 or more men listened from the store entrance without acting as she screamed for help. Ultimately she fought the guy off and ran back to the store.


Active Member
It is a shame that the 26 innocent people in Newtown were not protected from that vile lunatic who had easy access to the weapons his excuse of a mother had in her house.If the gun laws might be a bit more stronger and stricter in the USA tragedies like this might not occur too often as they do.Time to stand up to the NRA just like people did with the Tobacco industry did and look how that made a huge change.

Maybe, maybe not. If we had stricter laws then perhaps the incident last month in San Antone would have been far worse and had made national news. I know there was no news coverage of it here compared to the others. Could very well be, because it didn't get as bad due to the fact the an off duty cop was able to have their personal gun with them at their job at the theater. Who knows.


New Member
That notion is quashed by the multitude of incidents over the years of bystanders choosing not to become involved when something violent is taking place. My ex-wife was attacked by a rapist as she got in her car outside a Sears store. A crowd of 20 or more men listened from the store entrance without acting as she screamed for help. Ultimately she fought the guy off and ran back to the store.

That's the main argument against gun insurance...utilizing it to protect someone other than yourself could be a huge liability. This is where the tire iron comes in.


New Member
Wow you guys are getting so angry its not a wonder there is so much shooting here in the USA Calm down kiddies, stop getting ur panties in a twist and accept the facts you have a serious serious problem that needs addressing.
The funny thing is most american people I talk to about this are in favor of banning guns.
Thanks for all the serious replies and not the usual bashing that most of you veterans do.

David Wright

New Member
Wow you guys are getting so angry its not a wonder there is so much shooting here in the USA Calm down kiddies, stop getting ur panties in a twist and accept the facts you have a serious serious problem that needs addressing.
The funny thing is most american people I talk to about this are in favor of banning guns.
Thanks for all the serious replies and not the usual bashing that most of you veterans do.

Funny, depends on who you associate with or talk to. I am sure I know more Americans than you do, and few are for more gun laws.
As for violence, we get the news of the thuggery and violence on your island. From what I see, guns are the last thing your people need. As for home invasions, just be cooperative with your uninvited guests.

Guerilla Signs

New Member
Wow you guys are getting so angry its not a wonder there is so much shooting here in the USA Calm down kiddies, stop getting ur panties in a twist and accept the facts you have a serious serious problem that needs addressing.
The funny thing is most american people I talk to about this are in favor of banning guns.
Thanks for all the serious replies and not the usual bashing that most of you veterans do.

You are correct in that there are a lot of serious problems that need to be addressed here in the US.

But most people do not have the stomach to have the real problems dealt with.

Most of the "problems" that are being dealt with politically here are just symptoms of the real problem.

The real problem in most of these issues is responsibility. People want to blame the problem on something that has no control of the situation.

If we would start being responsible on all levels most of these problems would be able to be fixed in short time. We just want someone else to make our problems go away and deal with the hard decisions.

My two cents any way.
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