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Gun threads

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New Member
That takes me back to that incident that I mentioned oh so many pages ago with that government sponsored gun buy back program. A few of those guns wound up being re-sold illegally and then used in armed robberies. How is that for irony.



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Premium Subscriber
I've got a question for gun-totin' people or anti gun people......

This takes place in a mall parking lot and no one is around at all [so you think], your wife and little girl are by your side and someone pushes a cart into you, knocking you down with a broken leg and two others start to beat your wife, kick your kid in the head knocking her out and then stabs your wife in front of you and you're laying on the ground..... what are your thoughts ??

Okay, let's change it around a little.
You're walking back to your car and you see someone push a cart into a guy knocking him down while two others proceed to knock out a little kid with his foot and stab the guy's wife to death...... what are your thoughts ??
Okay, a little further.........
You're slitting at home watching television and you see that a mall security system caught on tape someone pushing a cart into a guy knocking him down while two others proceeded to knock out a little kid with their foot and stab the guy's wife to death...... what are your thoughts ??​

Doesn't matter much how close you are to the situation or how closely you're related to the people being hurt, killed and robbed.

I don't give a rat's behind if you have a 2 shot derringer or a 90 count clip in an assault gun or a hand grenade launcher..... unless you are the aggressor here.... ANY red-blooded person is going to defend themselves.... and their loved ones with whatever it takes. I ain't thinking about shooting deer, wild boar or elephants.... I just wanna stop the guy in the process of hurting me and FAST. In fact, I/they will defend the person down the lot getting mugged with all their might.

When I was young, I was in lotsa fights and my only fear was of someone knowing karate or some fancy martial arts stuff. No one carried guns and everything was basically solved with your fists. Times have changed and as the criminals become better armed, so must I. I can't run or fist fight the way I could 40 years ago. I have a right to defend myself and I will take that right to my death protecting it and my loved ones.

I was mugged pretty bad when I was 14 years old and guess what.... all 7 of the guys that did that to me were dead within 15 years of that episode...... not not by my hands.

Personally, I am tired of seeing all the deaths caused by crazies, crime and stoopidness, but that should not be a reason to take my only defense away from me. As someone pointed out, there's a lot of people around, but most of them don't think like human beings.


New Member
When the government starts banning items.. The government doesn't stop at just a few relevant items. When the government banned assault weapons in the 90's they also banned certain other items deemed scary as well. Most of which had no bearing whatsoever on any assault weapon.

The government banned martial art toys. The banned list made potential felons out any one purchasing foam toy nun chucks, toy throwing stars etc. Bufflo hooks, key chain items, novelty display items etc. The list goes on and on. It is this irrational thoughtless overreach that causes a great distrust of any one demanding a ban on anything. And yes, there were people arrested for possessing these items. So not one should think that common sense would prevail.

The list was extensive and covered items never thought possible. Items such as certain shaped springs and other metal pieces that "looked" like something that could be used to make a gun. The list was totally unreasonable. Now when someone starts the "ban this" craze we have to remember. The government is not rational and is controlled by people. Many of whom are failures in the private sector.


New Member
Let's just ban alcohol. People can't get in drinking and driving wrecks if they can't get the alcohol. Why do bars and bars in restaurants exist? If one walks into a bar by him/her self, and proceeds to drink a couple of drinks, how is it exactly that those that served them think that person is leaving. They came in alone, they will leave after a couple drinks. How's that legal?

If you banned it all, you'd never have a person die from drinking and driving, right? So where's the call to eliminate alcohol? How many people are in hospitals today with conditions created and/or made worse by drinking alcohol? I bet it's millions. We could save millions of lives, right? Then were's the public outrage and desire to take alcohol away?

I'm all for lots of things, but one thing I try to do is be consistent. If I'm for banning guns, then I'd have to be for banning everything that lead to someone dying, above some number I'd have to decide on. Certainly a lot more people die from alcohol related incidents than they do from gun violence.

In my opinion, that's where the opposition falls apart and loses credibility. If they were consistent, I would at least understand, but they aren't. I mean heart disease kills many, so does diabetes. So where's the laws to eliminate all the things that lead to those issues? I mean a death is a death, is it not? If it's "preventable" then should it be prevented?

Is the person that sells the person with heart disease a double bacon burger responsible for the death of the person with heart disease?


Premium Subscriber
  • Haven't they tried banning certain size sodas ??
  • Aren't they on a health kick for a better level of food in the schools ??
  • I've heard of teachers sending kids home because they didn't think the lunches sent by the parents were sufficient.
You're getting a little off track. What we decide to do to our OWN body, is still off limits for the most part for the government to rule on.... except, I don't feel like paying for someone's bad habits, if it's a result of neglect and proper care...... and now they're on government assistance.

People can take all kinds of medicine and pills for abuse in their bodies for decades. I'm on a very light blood pressure medicine.... which I pay for entirely and I'm on a light dosage of metformin for diabetes, which I also pay 100%. I drink and I do it mostly at home, but have been driven home on occasion. I am no menace to society.

Wanna eat yourself to death ?? Go ahead, but don't make it into a television show. Keep it your own. I don't wanna see that grossness on my television. We are.... or should be responsible for all of our own actions for what we put in our mouths to what we put in our hands to who we marry or lie with. I don't care how or why you do it, but keep it to yourself and behind closed doors. Once you start bothering me, I want to be able to protect myself..... against, you or those like you.

Anyway, if you start banning everything and taking everything away, what will be left ?? What incentive will there be to do anything ?? Who wants to be equal to a pot-head or crack-addict ?? Who wants to unload 30 rounds in a movie theater ?? These people are the exceptions and you wanna make the laws to rule the normal to be based upon the abnormal. How in H*ll is that fair ??

As long as I'm responsible and can prove it, stay away from what I am allowed to do and learn to deal with the crazies and misfits of our world.

I have a few choice ways of dealing with them, but any mention of them will surely get this thread closed down in a jiffy. :covereyes:


Premium Subscriber
You can take me right out of that equation Thank you.
So then, what does your signature imply ??
I get it that some people fear guns, while others don't like them, but how does that impact on me and how I am around guns ??

As being an immigrant, do you feel you are entitled to have your wishes granted over mine ??
Because of where you come from, we should honor your country's laws ??
Do many countries around the globe have better laws then ours ??
Do many countries around the globe, even have laws ??

It's a strange thing, but for many-many years, the entire world looked to the United States of America to bail them out of jams. All kinds of jams, from your country, to the many other countries in Europe, to the South Pacific, to almost anywhere and we came and did what we were asked to do and then we paid to rebuild these places and yet, no one has ever helped us. We even gave Russia food like crazy, when we were at war.... cold war. Yet, you and the rest of the world have the audacity to call us Wild West Freaks.

I see some places, people still wipe their a$$ with their left hand. Sounds like a good idea. Should we adopt that one, too ?? When in Rome.... do as the Romans ??
Oh yeah, and what about spitting..... all the various reasons for spitting from religion to just plain coughing up phlegm.

Yep, that's the ticket. We'll just take our country and bow down to your wishes, cause YOU think you are better.

We are all equal in the beginning and as time goes by, the weak are weeded out while the strong move forward. However, being 'Politically Correct' now means we must make the whole species as weak as the weakest link and mold society and our rules around these low lifes.
How frickin' stoopid do you think the average person is or has to be to listen to your rhetoric ??

:wavingflag:I'm very proud to be an American, but I'm also smart enough to know we are in trouble, but with your two cents and that of Piers Morgan, we can certainly survive without your kind. Thank you for your rather splendid ideas and points of reference..... oh yeah, that's right..... you didn't have any.....:rolleyes:
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New Member
So then, what does your signature imply ??
I get it that some people fear guns, while others don't like them, but how does that impact on me and how I am around guns ??

As being an immigrant, do you feel you are entitled to have your wishes granted over mine ??
Because of where you come from, we should honor your country's laws ??
Do many countries around the globe have better laws then ours ??
Do many countries around the globe, even have laws ??

It's a strange thing, but for many-many years, the entire world looked to the United States of America to bail them out of jams. All kinds of jams, from your country, to the many other countries in Europe, to the South Pacific, to almost anywhere and we came and did what we were asked to do and then we paid to rebuild these places and yet, no one has ever helped us. We even gave Russia food like crazy, when we were at war.... cold war. Yet, you and the rest of the world have the audacity to call us Wild West Freaks.

I see some places, people still wipe their a$$ with their left hand. Sounds like a good idea. Should we adopt that one, too ?? When in Rome.... do as the Romans ??
Oh yeah, and what about spitting..... all the various reasons for spitting from religion to just plain coughing up phlegm.

Yep, that's the ticket. We'll just take our country and bow down to your wishes, cause YOU think you are better.

We are all equal in the beginning and as time goes by, the weak are weeded out while the strong move forward. However, being 'Politically Correct' now means we must make the whole species as weak as the weakest link and mold society and our rules around these low lifes.
How frickin' stoopid do you think the average person is or has to be to listen to your rhetoric ??

:wavingflag:I'm very proud to be an American, but I'm also smart enough to know we are in trouble, but with your two cents and that of Piers Morgan, we can certainly survive without your kind. Thank you for your rather splendid ideas and points of reference..... oh yeah, that's right..... you didn't have any.....:rolleyes:
Here have a drink on me and my right honorable friend Piers Morgan, God you need it sonny boy after that rant! and while your at it you can put this in your pipe http://youtu.be/s_IMFIOGCFc
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Premium Subscriber
fmg.... I know you say you're from England, but you write as if you're from a looney bin.

That was no rant. Those were/are facts which you want to completely ignore like an ostrich with it's head in the sand.

As your signature states..... you want to fit in with the non entities, but you wish to talk like a scholar and preach to us Americans that we are wrong.... after 200 some years. Yeah, as in you and your new found friend [who probably doesn't even know you exist] and tell me what to do.... like go get a drink. If you were truly buying I would, but seeing how you operate, I don't think you can.

As I said, unless you have a dog in the fight, why don't you mind your own business ?? Personally, I don't mind foreigners making suggestions, debating or discussing things, but for some small minded immigrant to sit there and tell me that my country is wrong..... well, you can go get bent. And that's a technical term.



Active Member
Here's a little food for thought....

What you’ll see in the rebellion
Written By: (Unnamed) - Dec• 28•12

Let me explain, gun grabbers, how your confiscatory fantasy plays out. Let us imagine for a moment that a sweeping gun control bill similar to the one currently suggested is passed by the House and Senate, and signed into law by a contemptuous President.

Perhaps 50-100 million firearms currently owned by law-abiding citizens will become contraband with the stroke of a pen. Citizens will either register their firearms, or turn them in to agents of the federal government, or risk becoming criminals themselves. Faced with this choice, millions will indeed register their arms. Perhaps as many will claim they’ve sold their arms, or had them stolen. Suppose that as many as 200-250 million weapons of other types will go unregistered.

Tens of millions of Americans will refuse to comply with an order that is clearly a violation of the explicit intent of the Second Amendment. Among the most ardent opposing these measures will be military veterans, active duty servicemen, and local law enforcement officers. Many of these individuals will refuse to carry out what they view as Constitutionally illegal orders. Perhaps 40-50 million citizens will view such a law as treason. Perhaps ten percent of those, 4-5 million, would support a rebellion in some way, and maybe 40,000-100,000 Americans will form small independently-functioning active resistance cells, or become lone-wolves.

They will be leaderless, stateless, difficult to track, and considering the number of military veterans that would likely be among their number, extremely skilled at sabotage, assassination, and ambush.

After a number of carefully-planned, highly-publicized, and successful raids by the government, one or more will invariably end “badly.” Whether innocents are gunned down, a city block is burned to ash, or especially fierce resistance leads to a disastrously failed raid doesn’t particularly matter. What matters is that when illusion of the government’s invincibility and infallibility is broken, the hunters will become the hunted.

Unnamed citizens and federal agents will be the first to die, and they will die by the dozens and maybe hundreds, but famous politicians will soon join them in a spate of revenge killings, many of which will go unsolved.

Ironically, while the gun grab was intended to keep citizens from preserving their liberties with medium-powered weapons, it completely ignored the longer-ranged rifles perfect for shooting at ranges far beyond what a security detail can protect, and suppressed .22LR weapons proven deadly in urban sniping in Europe and Asia.

While the Secret Service will be able to protect the President in the White House, he will not dare leave his gilded cage except in carefully controlled circumstances. Even then he will be forced to move like a criminal. He will never be seen outdoors in public again. Not in this country.

The 535 members of the House and Senate in both parties that allowed such a law to pass would largely be on their own; the Secret Service is too small to protect all of them and their families, the Capitol Police too unskilled, and competent private security not particularly interested in working against their own best interests at any price. The elites will be steadily whittled down, and if they can not be reached directly, the targets will become their staffers, spouses, children, and grandchildren. Grandstanding media figures loyal to the regime would die in droves, executed as enemies of the Republic.

You can expect congressional staffs to disintegrate with just a few shootings, and expect elected officials themselves to resign well before a quarter of their number are eliminated, leaving us with a boxed-in executive, his cabinet loyalists trapped in the same win, die, or flee the country circumstance, military regime loyalists, and whatever State Governors who desire to risk their necks as well.

Here, the President will doubtlessly order the activation of National Guard units and the regular military to impose martial law, setting the largest and most powerful military in the world against its own people. Unfortunately, the tighter the President clinches his tyrannical fist, the more rebels he makes.

Military commands and federal agencies will be whittled down as servicemen and agents will desert or defect. Some may leave as individuals, others may join the Rebellion in squad and larger-sized units with all their weapons, tactics, skills, and insider intelligence. The regime will be unable to trust its own people, and because they cannot trust them, they will lose more in a vicious cycle of collapse.

Some of these defectors will be true “operators,” with the skills and background to turn ragtag militia cells into the kind of forces that decimate loyalist troops, allowing them no rest and no respite, striking them when they are away from their most potent weapons. Military vehicles are formidable, but they are thirsty beasts, in terms of fuel, ammo, time, and maintenance. Tanks and bombers are formidable only when they have gas, guns, and can be maintained. In a war without a front, logistics are incredibly easy to destroy, and mechanics and supply clerks are not particularly adept at defending themselves.

Eventually, the government will turn upon itself. The President will be captured or perhaps killed by his own protectors. A dictatorship will form in the vacuum.

If we’re lucky, the United States of America, or whatever amalgam results, will again try to rebuild. If we’re very lucky, the victors will reinstate the Constitution as the law of the land. Just as likely though, we’ll face fractious civil wars fought over issues we’ve not begun to fathom, and a much diminished state or states will result, perhaps guided by foreign interests.

It will not be pretty. There will be no “winners,” and perhaps hundreds of thousands to millions of dead.

Yet, this is the future we face if the power-mad among us are not soundly defeated at the ballot box before they affect more “change” than we, the People, are willing to surrender to would-be tyrants.


New Member
So then, what does your signature imply ??
I get it that some people fear guns, while others don't like them, but how does that impact on me and how I am around guns ??

As being an immigrant, do you feel you are entitled to have your wishes granted over mine ??
Because of where you come from, we should honor your country's laws ??
Do many countries around the globe have better laws then ours ??
Do many countries around the globe, even have laws ??

It's a strange thing, but for many-many years, the entire world looked to the United States of America to bail them out of jams. All kinds of jams, from your country, to the many other countries in Europe, to the South Pacific, to almost anywhere and we came and did what we were asked to do and then we paid to rebuild these places and yet, no one has ever helped us. We even gave Russia food like crazy, when we were at war.... cold war. Yet, you and the rest of the world have the audacity to call us Wild West Freaks.

I see some places, people still wipe their a$$ with their left hand. Sounds like a good idea. Should we adopt that one, too ?? When in Rome.... do as the Romans ??
Oh yeah, and what about spitting..... all the various reasons for spitting from religion to just plain coughing up phlegm.

Yep, that's the ticket. We'll just take our country and bow down to your wishes, cause YOU think you are better.

We are all equal in the beginning and as time goes by, the weak are weeded out while the strong move forward. However, being 'Politically Correct' now means we must make the whole species as weak as the weakest link and mold society and our rules around these low lifes.
How frickin' stoopid do you think the average person is or has to be to listen to your rhetoric ??

:wavingflag:I'm very proud to be an American, but I'm also smart enough to know we are in trouble, but with your two cents and that of Piers Morgan, we can certainly survive without your kind. Thank you for your rather splendid ideas and points of reference..... oh yeah, that's right..... you didn't have any.....:rolleyes:

Very well said Gino,

They always want our help when it come to the latest technology:



John Butto

New Member
To fmg: It is bad enough you read theSun for news, it does have a good Page 3. You should read a good English paper such as the Telegraph. Quoting theSun is like taking information from the National Enquirer. But as I recall, Sir, are not the British in Afghanistan fighting with weapons for our freedom and both your Princes are in the military and of course Lord Nelson would scorn you Sir for your view on gun control. England was the dominate nation many years ago but it seems they have too many milk toasts such as yourself who have stuck their heads in the sand to real problems we face today.


New Member
To fmg: It is bad enough you read theSun for news, it does have a good Page 3. You should read a good English paper such as the Telegraph. Quoting theSun is like taking information from the National Enquirer. But as I recall, Sir, are not the British in Afghanistan fighting with weapons for our freedom and both your Princes are in the military and of course Lord Nelson would scorn you Sir for your view on gun control. England was the dominate nation many years ago but it seems they have too many milk toasts such as yourself who have stuck their heads in the sand to real problems we face today.

I do read the Telegraph along with numerous other English publications to keep me informed with the news back home.
The sun is a good read for REAL Football and of course nothing better to wake up in the morning to look at page 3 :covereyes:
I am not trying to stir anything up here but the facts really do speak for themselves with the gun control and laws in the USA.Its really pathetic in my opinion.
Thanks for the reply by the way.


Active Member
I am not trying to stir anything up here but the facts really do speak for themselves with the gun control and laws in the USA.Its really pathetic in my opinion.
Thanks for the reply by the way.

I have to wonder how this, http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local_news/article/Two-wounded-in-theater-shooting-4122668.php , would have ended if there were stricter gun laws and if those strict gun laws kept an off duty police officer from having their personal gun on them when they were working at the local theater.

John Butto

New Member
To fmg: Your Queen would have soiled her panties if the Germans would have put their boots on the English beaches many years ago. If it were not for my father, who was a gun lover, and his buddies from every corner of the USA, joined up and won the war on the agressors and saved England and the rest of the world from demented dictators. You would be eating sausage instead of your cucumber sandwiches on Christmas listening to the Queen give her annual speech. If something or someone gave England a rough time the good old USA and all us gun toting wackos as you call us, would save your Queen and her Depends again.
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