A "clip" was the designation for the device used to hold several rounds together to load into a firearm that did not have a removable magazine. Example, the German C96 (Broomhandle).
This hits the nail on the head. Strange how it is so easily overlooked... Or is it purposely left out of the debate by the ones who actually dictate the direction of the debate... For the most part everything said in this thread is regurgitation from what has been seen/read/heard from opposing but partisan outlets. I would bet that the pharmaceutical industry lines more pockets on both sides of the fence then anti/pro gun advocates. As for guns being the missing piece in the "monster" recipe, pretty sure guns have been around and in large use for much longer than these drugs. Seems like these drugs have been misused as a tool for parenting starting about the same time as "discipline" was outlawed, the church and its morals were thrown out of society, and media/entertainment dicarded decency. I would say the problem on hand has much more to do with how our society has taken personal responsibility away from its citizens and replaced it with politcal correctness, instant gratification, and victimization.
Side note, I think this whole debate has been escelated by the previously mentioned dictators of debate, to serve as a distraction from major problems that our country is actually facing today... fiscal cliff...
NOTE: magazine clips...........in the same context as the manufacture used it)))))
i am impressed someone else read PRAVDA. i kep telling those who think their political view is the only way...........TO GO READ PRAVDA, they have no bias to any political party.
on the same page in PRAVDA there was this:
A survey found that 50 percent of Americans say gun laws should be made more strict than they are now, compared to 43 percent who said that they should remain the same (29 percent) or be made less strict (14 percent). The poll also found support for banning semi-automatic weapons (51 percent to 33 percent) as well as magazine clips holding more than 10 rounds (54 percent to 32 percent).
NOTE: magazine clips...........in the same context as the manufacture used it)))))...
WWW.........i dont care how YOU or anyone want to dissect a word, to any meaning of what it is colloquially, it has ment the same thing since since the begining of the gun.
your doing this semantic argument when it really has no end. tomato= tomaaaato.
WWW.........i dont care how YOU or anyone want to dissect a word, to any meaning of what it is colloquially, it has ment the same thing since since the begining of the gun.
your doing this semantic argument when it really has no end. tomato= tomaaaato.
My rights are mine and they are untouchable. 'Unalienable' is the term used in the founding documents.
You always cede your rights for what seems like a good reason or situation but when the situation has passed and the good reason is gone away you never get your rights back.
Never cede ANY right you have, never allow ANY encroachment no matter how trivial for ANY reason whatsoever. Never. Ever. Once you swap your rights for what seems like a bit of safety or for whatever good reason at the time, they are gone forever.
Just curious, can anyone name one thing the government does efficiently? Why would handling this issue be any different?
Just curious, can anyone name one thing the government does efficiently?
we did that after 9/11. a bunch of rights were lost in the name of keeping us safe so, yes, I agree we have to really watch out for jumping into somehting we may not be able to reverse. where I differ is with the individual just doing something because they can without taking responsiblity for what happens next. again, I totally blame Nancy Lanza for the shootings in Conn. she had a right to own the guns she owned and the clips/magizines (what ever the he!! they are called) and took her son who had major issues out to teach him how to use them. her rights were hers but she should have used her head and thought about having these guns with easy access in the home with a disturbed person. no one wants to have new laws (or most don't) but that is what happens when people do as they please because they can and they tromp on the rights of others by doing so. I am sick of turning on the news to hear that yet another nutjob killed a bunch of people and then find out they got the guns in their own home. it isn't people with mental issues that are the problem, it is the people around them...
Not so. Every human being is responsible for itself. The kid that shot up the school is completely responsible for his behavior. His mama, his papa, his mailman, nor anyone else shares the responsibility. It doesn't matter a whit just what sort of weaponry his mother had laying about.He and he alone is responsible for what he did.
The entire notion of shared responsibility is wrong. It ends with the individual that did the deed, not with any ancillary people no matter how enabling they are perceived to be. If you start down the road of shared responsibility it ends in chaos. If you can blame the mother why then can't you blame the grandmother for giving birth to the mother? Where does the chain of shared responsibility end?
he was responsible on what level of understanding that he had given the fact that he had mental issues. when you have a person living in your home who has a mental issue, you take on the responsbility for that mental issue or you put the person into an insititution that will make sure the person is cared for.