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Gun threads

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New Member
God bless America

FMG, you are full of BS, those numbers are not correct at all, you have been mislead, you're getting your info from the same rag that publishes this 'Alien' filmed in Brazil rain forest crap.


If you want to put out numbers, please use REAL facts NOT, tabloid BS...

Oh, here is some great news out of the UK: UK porn industry set for £100m boost as blue movie stars flock to Britain from US



Mike F

New Member
New Jersey has some of the strictest gun laws in the country. Now, go ahead and take a walk down the street in Trenton, or drive through Camden a bit (I wouldn't recommend my worst enemy walking even a block in Camden), and then try to tell me gun control works while keeping a straight face.


Premium Subscriber
The only people I know of that are against owning guns are the ones that want the government or other agencies to protect them from the evil people with guns, cause they're too dumb to use a gun and will probably be weak-minded when it comes to using one. These Hollywood people with bodyguards and the musicians and other crazies. Downtown, the only person who is against owning guns are the criminals, so you aren't armed when they rob you.

I'm in the northeast and EVERYONE I know owns a gun for quite some time. I probably have owned guns the least amount of time... at about 6 years. However, I have been shooting since I was about 5 or 6.

As for not bashing you, it's just a courtesy we Americans possess, kinda like gun control.... we use it when necessary. :wink:


Premium Subscriber
New Jersey has some of the strictest gun laws in the country. Now, go ahead and take a walk down the street in Trenton, or drive through Camden a bit (I wouldn't recommend my worst enemy walking even a block in Camden), and then try to tell me gun control works while keeping a straight face.
Here's a good one. We're doing a store next week in Camden. We got the contract about 3 months ago and we're finishing it up as we speak. I didn't say anything to my customer, because I was afraid to insult him, but finally he asked me to go with him to spec the place out. I asked him if he cared I take my gun along, even though we're going into New Jersey, where my license isn't legal ?? He said.... wha ?? I said, well, ya know, that's a bad area, I use to go there for dance lessons at a place right over the bridge a little. He started laughing. He said, Camden Delaware, not New Jersey. I was so ecstatic, I almost sh!t my pants. WHAT a difference in those two towns !!:ROFLMAO:


New Member
Deport British Citizen Piers Morgan for Attacking 2nd Amendment

British Citizen and CNN television host Piers Morgan is engaged in a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment. We demand that Mr. Morgan be deported immediately for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens.

The signatures surpassed the 100,000 mark after Morgan published a 2,500-word piece in the Daily Mail in which he concluded that if the U.S. does not change its gun laws he would consider deporting himself.

If you agree please go to link and and make your voice heard:


:wavingflag: :wavingflag: :wavingflag: :wavingflag: :wavingflag:


  • The signatures surpassed the 100k mark after Morgan published a 2500-word piece in the Daily Mai.jpg
    The signatures surpassed the 100k mark after Morgan published a 2500-word piece in the Daily Mai.jpg
    103.7 KB · Views: 135

Kentucky Wraps

Kentucky Wraps
It is a shame that the 26 innocent people in Newtown were not protected from that vile lunatic who had easy access to the weapons his excuse of a mother had in her house.If the gun laws might be a bit more stronger and stricter in the USA tragedies like this might not occur too often as they do.Time to stand up to the NRA just like people did with the Tobacco industry did and look how that made a huge change.

Firearms are to be kept in a responsible manner just as poisons and medications are supposed to be. A severely mentally challenged man (not child) who can plan and carry out an act such as he did, is not going to be stopped by more laws. Read my post above.
And to compare the NRA to the tobacco industry and their roles in "harm" are ignorant to say the least. Tobacco is a product that is proven to harm users as they do it. There is no "SAFE" way to smoke. Firearms are not made to murder innocent people. Murderers choose to use them in that manner. The NRA does NOT support murder, they do however support my American right to arm myself against murderers.

Kentucky Wraps

Kentucky Wraps
Wow you guys are getting so angry its not a wonder there is so much shooting here in the USA Calm down kiddies, stop getting ur panties in a twist and accept the facts you have a serious serious problem that needs addressing.
The funny thing is most american people I talk to about this are in favor of banning guns.
Thanks for all the serious replies and not the usual bashing that most of you veterans do.

You don't talk to "most" Americans then. 47% of Americans report having a gun in the home. Those are just the non-paranoid ones. The paranoid ones wouldn't admit it. lol But that makes it at least 50% of Americans.
So as I said....the "most Americans" you talk to don't represent a true sample of Most Americans.

David Wright

New Member
You don't talk to "most" Americans then. 47% of Americans report having a gun in the home. Those are just the non-paranoid ones. The paranoid ones wouldn't admit it. lol But that makes it at least 50% of Americans.
So as I said....the "most Americans" you talk to don't represent a true sample of Most Americans.

Actually you cited gun owners, lots of non gun owners are not for gun control either.


New Member
Ironically the founding fathers followed a symilar path to both FMG and Piers Morgan. They were all British citizens at some point.
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Mike F

New Member
Here's a good one. We're doing a store next week in Camden. We got the contract about 3 months ago and we're finishing it up as we speak. I didn't say anything to my customer, because I was afraid to insult him, but finally he asked me to go with him to spec the place out. I asked him if he cared I take my gun along, even though we're going into New Jersey, where my license isn't legal ?? He said.... wha ?? I said, well, ya know, that's a bad area, I use to go there for dance lessons at a place right over the bridge a little. He started laughing. He said, Camden Delaware, not New Jersey. I was so ecstatic, I almost sh!t my pants. WHAT a difference in those two towns !!:ROFLMAO:

Man, you really dodged a bullet on that one. Probably a few, actually. I live in the 2nd town to the south of it, just keeps getting worse every year. Doesn't help that all the delinquents in town think they're all hardcore thugs because they go to Camden to buy their heroin and coke and pills. Planning on finally getting a long gun (leaning towards a 12 gauge Mossberg pump-action) this year and also trying to apply for a handgun permit / CC permit. Seriously thinking of writing "I live within 5 miles of Camden" on the "Reason wanted / needed:" line.


Premium Subscriber
Man, you really dodged a bullet on that one. Probably a few, actually. I live in the 2nd town to the south of it, just keeps getting worse every year. Doesn't help that all the delinquents in town think they're all hardcore thugs because they go to Camden to buy their heroin and coke and pills. Planning on finally getting a long gun (leaning towards a 12 gauge Mossberg pump-action) this year and also trying to apply for a handgun permit / CC permit. Seriously thinking of writing "I live within 5 miles of Camden" on the "Reason wanted / needed:" line.
Geese, sounds like Reading around here, except Philly ain't a mile away, it's like 50 miles. Still this stuff is all around these days.
Anyway, on the main drag, I think it's 130 or East Crescent Blvd a studio called Sandy Fortuna's Universal Ballroom. Been there many times over the last 20 some years. They bring top world teachers in for lessons and coaching.


New Member
Time to stand up to the NRA just like people did with the Tobacco industry did and look how that made a huge change.

I agree with you but not for the reasons most will think. I am sick of ALL the special interest groups who have more say in congress than we, the people who they are suppose to be representing do. I'm tired of a big self serving org like the NRA pushing people in the senate & house and rating them. who do they think they are?

boys, keep on ragging on each other and Fred will shut this thread down. why is it so hard to compare stats and ideas for some here? we have had some really good back and forths on this topic and I know that I like hearing how people who don't think like I do feel about this. you learn by listening and listening to all opinions, even those you can't relate to.


New Member
I am married to an American lady
I have a beautiful child that is half English Half American.
I love America as much as I do England.
I have a lot of respect for America as it is good to me
I have lived here for 10 years and lived in NYC in 1992 for 3 years
I HATE GUNS and the carnage they cause.
I Admire most peoples opinions on this forum.
I have no time for idiots that want to bash for the sake of it.
I am in the middle of a large print now so I wish you all well and have a great evening.


Premium Subscriber
I am married to an American lady Me too
I have a beautiful child that is half English Half American. Which half is which??
I love America as much as I do England. I love America, too.
I have a lot of respect for America as it is good to me Me too.
I have lived here for 10 years and lived in NYC in 1992 for 3 years Over 60 for me
I HATE GUNS and the carnage they cause. Me too
I Admire most peoples opinions on this forum. Me too
I have no time for idiots that want to bash for the sake of it. Me too
I am in the middle of a large print now so I wish you all well and have a great evening. Not me

So we agree on all of your claims except which half is the Englsih part of your kid and which is the American part. I guess the bad part is the American side of him. So, if we agree on all of your points, why are you generalizing me in with the rest of your garbage ??

I like chocolate cake.
I like watching birds at the feeders.
I like having a drink with my wife and talking about simple times.
I like taking rides with no destination in mind.
I like happy endings to stories or movies.
I like puttering in one of my workshops.
I like waking up aside of my wife.
I like hearing kids laugh and birds sing.
I like Chrsitmas.
I like dancing for hours with my wife.
I like going to the casino.
I like my life.
I like most anything which doesn't invade my life and require a not-so-happy response from me.


New Member
So we agree on all of your claims except which half is the Englsih part of your kid and which is the American part. I guess the bad part is the American side of him IHim is a she and both sides are amazingly good. So, if we agree on all of your points, why are you generalizing me in with the rest of your garbage ??

I like chocolate cake.
I like watching birds at the feeders.
I like having a drink with my wife and talking about simple times.
I like taking rides with no destination in mind.
I like happy endings to stories or movies.
I like puttering in one of my workshops.
I like waking up aside of my wife.
I like hearing kids laugh and birds sing.
I like Chrsitmas.
I like dancing for hours with my wife.
I like going to the casino.
I like my life.
I like most anything which doesn't invade my life and require a not-so-happy response from me.
Thanks for your reply Gino
Have a great evening young man


New Member
Well since we're talking about likes, I like Crown on the rocks while watching a good boxing match. Did I get off topic enough to post too?

mark galoob

New Member
lol...great posts

just fyi, several polls right now say about 55% of americans want stricter gun laws. they dont say how much stricter, just stricter.

the problem is, that this "gun control" poo is a power grab, and wont solve the problem of the monsters that walk among us. it will bring more power to the gun control nut jobs, and the scary thing is i think they will be effective in passing this legislation. by the way, has anyone seen what diane finesteins bill has in it. it includes pistols, shotguns, basically anything thats not a revolver will be banned, and they are talking about a national registry, and everybody turning in their guns or be outlaws. i just cant understand how normal citizins cant see that this is a power play, and wont solve the real issues america is facing

its unfortunate, but i really see the united states on a collission course with the roman empire except on a much quicker scale.

mark galoob


New Member
BENNINGTON, Vt. —Bennington police say a Vermont teacher is hospitalized following a mental health evaluation after he was spotted carrying the same kind of assault rifle used in last month's school shooting in Newtown, Conn., and making a series of comments about the school where he works that some found disturbing.
Police say Steven Davis, a long-time science and math teacher at Mount Anthony High School, voluntarily went to the hospital on Monday.
Chief Paul Doucette says Davis voluntarily surrendered the Bushmaster rifle, which has apparently never been fired.
The Bennington Banner reports Davis posted videos and sent an email criticizing school officials and teachers. In a series of messages, he said he would "remove" the union and teachers who are "negatively affecting" children, but did not intend to harm anyone.

well this was just on my local news. this is a copy/paste of the write up from WPTZ. they showed the video this guy posted on youtube and the guy was pretty scary. sounds like he handed over the Bushmaster before doing any harm but if he haven't posted videos and sent e-mails so people knew about him in advance, who knows how this would have ended. lucky for the people in the Bennington school, he didn't get to "remove" the union & teachers. still want to arm a teacher? I'm sure most in this state would be willing to ship you this teacher.
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