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Gun threads

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New Member
If you know anyone in the gun industry right now you are clearly aware how much american citizens have decided that they need firearms RIGHT NOW.

Entire wholesale warehouses have been pretty much depleted in a matter of days. Retailers can't keep anything good in stock. So called.."Assault Weapons":wavingflag: have skyrocketed in price, and I mean sky rocketed.

I love America!


New Member
Funny the guy who most likely owns the most guns on this site has been quiet!
I will remain that way. BTW my wife is a school teacher and I have three kids in schools....


New Member
To fmg: Your Queen would have soiled her panties if the Germans would have put their boots on the English beaches many years ago. If it were not for my father, who was a gun lover, and his buddies from every corner of the USA, joined up and won the war on the agressors and saved England and the rest of the world from demented dictators. You would be eating sausage instead of your cucumber sandwiches on Christmas listening to the Queen give her annual speech. If something or someone gave England a rough time the good old USA and all us gun toting wackos as you call us, would save your Queen and her Depends again.

I suggest you do some proper research of history before spouting such Hollywood b0llocks..

We fought the Axis powers in Europe, Africa and the Far East for two years without you.... the commonwealth countries were with us from the start. (respect to Canadians, South Africans and the ANZACS).

We finished PAYING YOU for your help in the early 2000's.... whatever "help" you provided came at a price... lend lease $hite which ruined our country.

Hitler never wanted to fight Britain... there was a deal on offer... look it up and educate your self.


New Member
In the videos, Davis said he did not know he was overpaid for one year of teaching, and said he was forced to work for little to make up for the payments.
It’s just one item on a list of alleged faults that appear to have set the popular teacher off in five New Year’s Day YouTube videos.
“I've studied military tactics and this is the way to go,” Davis says in one video. “It's all going to hit so hard and so fast and shut that school system down until they get things straight."
Comments like that from the well-liked teacher had police and school officials worried.
“When he started talking about how he had been studying military style training… He's talked about reading CIA manuals and again has a real disliking for some of the staff at the high school,” said Bennington Police Dept. Chief Paul Doucette.
Davis said he wanted to change the way things are done at Mount Anthony High School where he works and in the Southwestern Vermont Supervisory Union where he has taught for nine years.
“I’m doing this for the students out there,” he said. "I love the children… I’ve done a lot of things you'll think are strange, but if you know me and how I run my classroom and the magic that happens there, you're going to know that I'm up to something and I’ve been up to something for a long time.”
Davis is no stranger to YouTube, having posted online lessons and tutorials about math and science. He also has nearly 300,000 Twitter followers.
“I'm going to do everything I can to shut down central office,” Davis said. “Those of you who are good teachers who are my friends, you know what time it is and you'll be fine, but those of you who aren't good teachers, you need to start looking for a new job today.”

here's a little more from the teacher in Bennington. on one of our local station's website, there are comments from people who just don't get that the police did the right thing getting this off the streets and to professionals who can help him. what part of the above doesn't sound like a person ready to that action? the police are damned it they do and damned if they don't. in case the right thing was done and I am glad that what ever plan this teacher had, he didn't get the chance to go thru with it. I am also glad that they took his gun, anyone out there think they should have left him alone and it was OK for him to make these videos as it was freedom of speech?


New Member
the police are damned it they do and damned if they don't.

Which is exactly why I'd like the choice to own a gun. I had serious problems all around my house. 2 doors down, the old timer that lived there passed away and left the house to his daughter. They moved in and promptly began selling crack. Any time day or night, you could witness it, clearly, out in the open. I could even open a window and hear detailed conversations about all of it. I called the police so many times it wasn't funny. I begged them to help. They said "There's nothing we can do, it's private property and they have rights. We haven't witnessed anything that would allow us to enter the home."

That went on for about 2 years or so.

If the police can't protect me and my neighbors, who's going to?


Just call me Chester.
I have not checked the numbers myself but my dad sent me the following.


(A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is

(B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians
per year are
(C) Accidental deaths per physician


Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of
Health and Human Services.


Now think about this:

(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S.

(Yes, that's 80 million)

(B) The number of accidental gun deaths
per year, all age groups,

(C) The number of accidental deaths
per gun owner

Statistics courtesy of FBI

Now you may notice that these figures are for accidental deaths, but it is still food for thought.

I live in CT about 20 min from Newtown and have a daughter in the local public school system and do not think that banning guns is the answer.
I know people that live in Newtown and there is still a lot more to the story than the media is selectively reporting that I hope will come out in the future.
Such as the mother of the shooter was working to have her son committed to a mental institution in another state.
I don't watch the news much these days because it all seems to focus on one or two themes. Even the residents of Newtown want the media to leave.

Just my $.02


New Member
Which is exactly why I'd like the choice to own a gun. I had serious problems all around my house. 2 doors down, the old timer that lived there passed away and left the house to his daughter. They moved in and promptly began selling crack. Any time day or night, you could witness it, clearly, out in the open. I could even open a window and hear detailed conversations about all of it. I called the police so many times it wasn't funny. I begged them to help. They said "There's nothing we can do, it's private property and they have rights. We haven't witnessed anything that would allow us to enter the home."

That went on for about 2 years or so.

If the police can't protect me and my neighbors, who's going to?

This, plus 99% of the time police are responders, they arrive AFTER a crime has happened. Only when someone is already on site, be it police, security or armed civilian, is there any chance to interdict criminal activity.


New Member

Exactly. A story only carried by local news as well.

IIRC it's estimated potential mass shootings occur almost every 2 weeks, casualties are usually diminished because they are stopped by off duty police or an armed civilian just like in the article you posted. Lets be clear here too, depending on the studies you look at between 8,000,000 and 2.5 million crimes are prevented by armed citizens a year. Most would want you to belive it's because the civilian shot and killed the perpetrator, however that's not the case. In actuality, the firearm acts as a deterrent instead of a tool of death.

mark galoob

New Member
recent fbi stats...

over the last 20 years hammers and clubs have consistantly killed more people than rifles...

oh andy...sure you fought axis powers for 2 yrs w/o us. just fyi, the axis powers were kicking the tails in of allies prior to us getting in the fight. in fact as i recall, even with USA help, it was a toss up who was going to win. and just fyi, hitler said all kinds of things to his neighbors about not attacking them, but he still attacked them.

mark galoob


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
...I am also glad that they took his gun, anyone out there think they should have left him alone and it was OK for him to make these videos as it was freedom of speech?

Your question is really two questions, you cannot 'and' them into one.

The first part, 'they should have left him alone?', probably not.

The second part, 'it was OK for him to make these videos as it was freedom of speech?', most certainly.

Freedom of speech does not in any way mean that you cannot be held responsible for what you choose to say.


Premium Subscriber
I notice that 3 cops were shot in NYC yesterday. Thank god they are alive.
Yes, it's good news they're alive, but.......
how many preemie deaths a year are there ?? Why ?? Should we ban something to prevent this horrible statistic ??
How many people die a day from hunger ?? Well over 16,000 children die a day from hunger. That's a lot. What are ya gonna do about that ??
How many people die a day from rare diseases ?? Around the world it's considered 1 in 2,000, while in America it's 200,000 infected people. Why ?? ....... and how are you addressing this problem ??

There are so many problems in/around the world, yet you want to sit on top of our second amendment right and tell us what we're doing wrong, while you could be helping legitimate problems world-wide.

What or who gives you the right to criticize a people and their constitution when you can't fit in between two very much alike countries ?? I have nothing against someone stating their feelings and points of views about ANYTHING, but when you have no foundation from which to base your facts and go off about my country..... you can go with your new buddy, Morgan, and not let the door hit you on your way out.

You wanna fit in ?? Then talk, discuss, debate, but please don't make statements which are condescending towards something you have no part in. You have as much right to say anything as incredible as it may be to anybody you wish, but again.... please don't make up lies and tell me I have to listen to your crap..... or Sting. :doh:


New Member
Gina it's called the 1st amendment you do know that don't you! No lies pal just the plain honest truth and if the Sun says that it must be true !!!!!


New Member
Some of these arguments are just.... meh

First off there would never be a full on gun ban. Most of these arguments would not be effected AT ALL by stricter gun laws. But yet a lot of you keep going on and on like this is the case.

I have a three in a half year old. When he doesn't like something I tell him, he says "But Dad so and so can do this" or "why can I do that but not this" Like I said he is three in a half. For grown adults to act this way is trivial. We are talking about gun restrictions not malpractice, not drunken driving, not hammers good lord. Is it really that hard to address a issue without completely going out in left field to ignore a problem? Plus just about every instance that has been used is constantly addresses with new laws or restrictions. That is all rational thinking people are asking. You can't touch the gun subject, there is no reasoning. It is always fueled by ignorance paid for by greed. If you really want to save lives get a flu vaccine, statistically you will have a much better chance of saving your life or someone else's that you infect.

It is also always tried to be proved wrong compared to a instance like SandyHook. Yeah maybe nothing could of been done for those kids, but the abundance of guns needs to be addressed. There are WAYYYYY to many of them. And like I said before a lot of these get in the wrong hands. They get bought legally but because of negligence or greed or ignorance (or an alleged small # that were sold illegally in a buy back) Some of these problems will take years and years to fix, they will not just improve drastically overnight. But is that really a good reason to not address them at all, or to put out more and more guns so this problem keeps getting worse with time?

Like Fred and a few others have said in this thread and others. Stricter punishments for owners of the guns. Smaller clips or magezines or whatever you want to argu about what they are called. More restrictions on bullets purchased and caliber and what they do after you shoot them (explode, hollowed out whatnot) Better background checks, yearly physical and mental exams, better education.

And once again with the second amendment. Why should it be OK for a large clip assault riffle and you can't have RPG's? They are both arms are they not?


New Member


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Kentucky Wraps

Kentucky Wraps
Anti-gun residential 911 call..."there's somebody breaking into my house........oh my god...please help...they are in the front room........NO...HELP....aaaakkk.......click."

My 911 call.... "there's a dead man lying on my floor. I shot him as he broke into my house. Please send the police...and the county morgue."


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
I've encountered a few total-gun-ban people over the years. To each and every one of them I've offered to make them a 18x24 sign absolutely for free if they would agree to display it prominently at their respective homes.

It would say "There Are No Guns At This House".

No one has ever taken me up on my offer. Hypocrites.
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