The first one, if the letters were white, with thin black pinline stepped off bright orangey red outline.
Make sure the strapline and cityscape have the same angle as the name and try that in all caps.
Second one maybe white name with no bevels or very soft grey ones if you have to have them, and sharp not rounded outline in slime green.
Try replacing the red in border with Steelers gold but leaving red ribbon.
Boston Truckstyle needs to follow ribbon better.
There is just no contrast at all as it is in the first two examples.
The third one I would scrap totally, it has kerning issues and does not look iconic/food like.
The one with the script is too valentiney for that type of business.
As much as I love any of Arthur's alphabets.
I am glad to see that you have purchased nice fonts but I think you need to buy a good layout book too.