Well - they THREW more than 2 passes - he only COMPLETED 2 passes

And that was last week. He threw 20 last night (completing 9).
I played till my knees forced me to retire at 26. I've coached ever since. Tebow is one of those guys who is simply a football player - and who shines when it matters the most. 30 years ago there would be no scrutinization of his mechanics, or his completion percentage, etc. Unfortunately, now, we are subject to what I call the "fantisization" of football. Stats matter more than winning. The WAY you win matters more than winning. The "eyeball test" matters more than winning...
Well, Tebow is proving all of that wrong. I don't know if the option is viable long-term in the NFL. It may not be. However, I can say this with certainty. if it IS viable, then Tebow will be able to pull it off.