Interesting thread, and why I would not take this job...
You have 5-6 very different interpretations of the same art. I am a perfectionist and like to have a clear view of what I am tracing and the expected results. What if my drawing was not what you had originally hoped for? Would you be willing to pay for changes? Unlike clear art or art with well defined edges this job is very subjective
Some on here are good, but all are interpretations. Heck I did not even realize the lure in the mouth of the fish had a Canadian flag leaf/motif. That flag/leaf are quite different from one another and neither are like the original.
Some customers expect the graphic to retain the airbrushed/shading that is often used on tattoos. This requires the extensive use of blends and gradients
One person took 6.5 hours and some suggested redrawing with a marker and then redrawing by hand or using autotrace programs. If I had to do that to every job, I would not make any profit. I would be curious how long these took to do from start to finish including discussions via email/phone etc
I cannot accept every job especially those that require alot of interpretation