I've seen a few females get torn into on here. It doesn't matter male or female... Generally if you ask an absurd question or don't belong here... Most members won't be afraid to point that out. It may be said in a bit of a more polite way, but they still get told the same thing.
Equal rights is fine and dandy. But males and females are still different. I still hold the door open for my wife, I tone down my language in front of her, I would never talk to her the way I talk to some of my friends, etc.
I remember one time at the store I held the door open for my wife and some loud mouth came over saying that I shouldn't do that because it's demeaning her and a woman is perfectly capable of holding a door open for herself... I turned it around and said if I had a bf I'd be holding the door open for him as well, so shed the problem and she's being a Misandrist
Sometimes people go too far, but I don't think S101 has anything to worry about