This is a debate that will never end. We all have our preferences. I prefer Macs. Macs in my shop are numbered 5 to 1 over PC's. I feel the Mac OS is 10 years ahead of MS. If Macs are more expensive, I've never felt the pinch. Maybe it's because my Macs rarely crash and I have NEVER wasted hours expunging viruses or spent extra dough on virus fighting utilities that have to be renewed every year to the tune of $40 per PC! Macs are more expensive? That's hogwash and MS propaganda. It's all a matter of preference, I'm not going to change any minds to sway to my preferred Mac OS, and no Mac bashing is going to cause me to change my opinion. It will only reinforce it.
And Toddmn, what's with this iPod bashing? Nice work and no offense but with all the time you spent creating this iPod knock off, you could have spent a few bucks and got the real thing. I was walking through my plant recently and I noticed everyone in the room had little white earbuds. Man, give it up, iPods are the ultimate widget with a PRIZE inside!
I am not trying to "bash" Macs, I would rather "bash" Bill Gates but....
Fact is that Mac machines are way overpriced. Anything that has Mac logo on it bears a hefty price just for the sake of the brand name.
There is a reason for that too. You can not possibly have per sign cost for
order of one sign versus order of a hundred signs. That is the main reason for their higher price...number of Mac users in the world is minute compared to PC users.
As far as operating system goes, I would like it a lot better if I could get "behind the scenes" to tweak it, and ultimatly screw it up (like I did numerous pc-s)

Biggest problems aroused when I had a crush (not only once) on the Macs and tech support would ultimetly be able to help me only with reformating the HD. That can be extremely irritating. I was NEVER (yet) forced to reformat my PC drive.
No doubt that they are more secure. The reason is again the popularity. If the numer of Macs and PCs in the world would be switched, PCs would be a more secure too. Who would bother to make viruses that would afect only a minute portion of computers in the cyber world. The notion that operating system is safer roots in this very fact.
Bottom line is that if you take care of your machines (please people, clean your computers at least once a year from the inside) you will get to use them till they become absolete no matter what platform they are.
There are shorcomings and advantages to any system and as long as we are aware of them and learn to deal with them it is ok.
Machines do not create our products, its us who run them that do!
As far as the I-pod.... my daughter wanted me to buy her one. We stood in the Mac showroom looking at these neat litlle gadgets, I talked to a sales person who answered each of the questions I had ... then I turned to my daughter to tell her that she can do a lot better with different brand of MP3 player for the money and explained why, but left the ultimate decision to her.
We walked out with the brand new I-pod!
Eh....the power of marketing