Pat Whatley
New Member
I could break down the meaning behind the old guy giving you a brownie and a bottle of cheap wine but I'd get kicked out by Fred.
I can believe it. I think the hidden message is behind the 47lb. cockbird.Review of your wine on a wine blog, these are not my words so don't freak out on me...
"Rex Goliath Cabernet Sauvignon has a distinct awful taste that is often associated with cheap red wine you buy at Pick 'n' Save for $7. A description of it being a mixture of dead trees and Alfred Hitchcock's innards is accurate. It smells like someone actually tried to ground a chicken into a red wine and sell it to stupid consumers."
Maybe the world really did end on the 21st of last month.
you know what i don't get....
being proud of the way someone looks... why on earth is THAT source of pride?
how the hell can anyone be proud of something they had no control over.
it's as stupid as being proud of your race... as if you had any flipp'n say about where your relatives were born.
just plain ridiculous if you ask me
wanna know when i was proud of my son?
when his was 5... he came home from school and told me a kid had told the girl sitting next to him, that the picture she had drawn was ugly. he told the kid... "her picture isn't ugly. you can't draw ugly, but you can talk ugly."
i thought that was a beautiful thing to say.... i was proud!
in sailing it is called tacking. When the wind changes it has to be done to get to where you are going.