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My Supermodel Daughter

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Pat Whatley

New Member
I could break down the meaning behind the old guy giving you a brownie and a bottle of cheap wine but I'd get kicked out by Fred.

John Butto

New Member
Review of your wine on a wine blog, these are not my words so don't freak out on me...

"Rex Goliath Cabernet Sauvignon has a distinct awful taste that is often associated with cheap red wine you buy at Pick 'n' Save for $7. A description of it being a mixture of dead trees and Alfred Hitchcock's innards is accurate. It smells like someone actually tried to ground a chicken into a red wine and sell it to stupid consumers."


Premium Subscriber
Review of your wine on a wine blog, these are not my words so don't freak out on me...

"Rex Goliath Cabernet Sauvignon has a distinct awful taste that is often associated with cheap red wine you buy at Pick 'n' Save for $7. A description of it being a mixture of dead trees and Alfred Hitchcock's innards is accurate. It smells like someone actually tried to ground a chicken into a red wine and sell it to stupid consumers."
I can believe it. I think the hidden message is behind the 47lb. cockbird.


New Member
Maybe the world really did end on the 21st of last month.

kinda like watching ourselves from a parallel universe, and we don't know we're dead?

Hey Steph, don't listen to these guys. Cheap wine or not, its the thought that counts. Just to be on the safe side tho....I wouldn't eat the brownie if I were you. :ROFLMAO:

He had his "daughter in law" bring it in? Ok, so how weird is that?

With your dad sitting 10' behind you, perhaps you can go review your security camera footage, to see the look on his face. And post some pics here. :covereyes:


New Member
get your mind out the gutters boys! Pat! Gino!

I google the wine John and read it goes great with cornish hens or game dinner, i didnt make it a point to look for the negitive like you however did and must do when you receive things...and i happen to like cornish hens so i'm sure it will go great next time i spit them on the grill.:smile: I can talk to my customers if they are approachable, want to walk and can hold a conversation, and sometimes i make a friend and a returning repeat customer... others i find i rather not talk to while they sit 1 sometimes 3 hours here depending on whats being done to the truck. Like you. If you were in front of me, i'd just probably ignore you while you sat on the bench 4' infront of my desk. Kinda like waiting for the dentist.. but with nothing to do and the wait is long and there is no tv. I'd just go about my business, ignoring you as if you weren't there board to death. Nice customers, i'm sure i make the time go faster talking to.

relationship: He originally bought some stuff for his truck from us. He got one of those new F150 ecoboost crewcab. It has the weird front bumper with the license plate on the side. In PA, you don't need a plate. Our first conversation while he was waiting for some accessories to be installed was about his truck. I asked him how he liked it cause we have the same vehicle, but not the ecoboost. He said he hated the license plate holder and we talked about gas milage etc.
2nd time he came in for more accessories to be installed, he had a white plastic license plate on it (flipped over i'm assuming) and he had drawn mickey mouse on it with a sharpie. When i seen him pull in with it, i mentioned to him that i saw he took care of the license plate issue and it was a nice design. He laughed.
3rd time he came in, he asked if i could make a nice plate on chrome acrylic while he waited for more accessories to be installed. I did and did it with no charge (he has spent a lot of $$$ now and also his son with our business, and i appreciate that)

so :smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile: sorry it pays to be nice. Not every guy thinks with the other head.


New Member
Hey Steph, don't listen to these guys. Cheap wine or not, its the thought that counts. Just to be on the safe side tho....I wouldn't eat the brownie if I were you. :ROFLMAO:
not listening. the guy is has money. I'm sure he likes the same wine and wouldn't have bought me a bottle of crap. The brownie was last year, i ate it. Nothing happened.

He had his "daughter in law" bring it in? Ok, so how weird is that?
He came here twice when we were closed 2 weeks for xmas/new years. He is now in Florida for the rest of the winter. Daughter in law was picking up lights her husband ordered that came in yesterday.

With your dad sitting 10' behind you, perhaps you can go review your security camera footage, to see the look on his face. And post some pics here. :covereyes:
security cameras are outside. I asked him... dad says that i'm nice and that "People like to feel that they are worth your time" :smile:


Premium Subscriber
Ah yes, me lass. We're only funnin' with ya.

It's a very nice gesture to be friendly with your customers and do little favors for them while they wait for the bigger ticket items. It a very good way to cultivate small customers into larger customers. We do it all the time, but it's generally never through gifts, although that does happen occasionally. Never, and I repeat never do I/we want to be beholding to someone.

I'm not sure about Pat, but my ribbing was this.... sometimes people [men & women alike] will do things for you with hidden meanings hoping they can get one over on you. Don't take this the wrong way, but naivety can sometimes backfire on you and get you in trouble if the person at the other end is somewhat shifty or dishonest with their hidden meanings.

You got your Dad at your back, so I don't think he'll let anything happen and like you said, I'm sure he's proud of you an many ways.... beyond this getting some wine or a brownie. He's watching you develop a business, raise a kid, basically being self-taught and most of all...... becoming a successful businesswoman.

John Butto

New Member
after the cornish hen meal...

"I google the wine John and read it goes great with cornish hens or game dinner, i didnt make it a point to look for the negitive like you however did and must do when you receive things... Like you. If you were in front of me, i'd just probably ignore you while you sat on the bench 4' infront of my desk. Kinda like waiting for the dentist.. but with nothing to do and the wait is long and there is no tv. I'd just go about my business, ignoring you as if you weren't there board to death. Nice customers, i'm sure i make the time go faster talking to."

Did this drawing while sitting accross from you while you were ignoring me and board to death with no TV to entertain you. Sorry the Chantix did not work, I was trying to tell you but you did not hear me.


New Member
man hands!!!!!


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New Member
you know what i don't get....
being proud of the way someone looks... why on earth is THAT source of pride?

how the hell can anyone be proud of something they had no control over.

it's as stupid as being proud of your race... as if you had any flipp'n say about where your relatives were born.

just plain ridiculous if you ask me

wanna know when i was proud of my son?
when his was 5... he came home from school and told me a kid had told the girl sitting next to him, that the picture she had drawn was ugly. he told the kid... "her picture isn't ugly. you can't draw ugly, but you can talk ugly."

i thought that was a beautiful thing to say.... i was proud!

David Wright

New Member
you know what i don't get....
being proud of the way someone looks... why on earth is THAT source of pride?

how the hell can anyone be proud of something they had no control over.

it's as stupid as being proud of your race... as if you had any flipp'n say about where your relatives were born.

just plain ridiculous if you ask me

wanna know when i was proud of my son?
when his was 5... he came home from school and told me a kid had told the girl sitting next to him, that the picture she had drawn was ugly. he told the kid... "her picture isn't ugly. you can't draw ugly, but you can talk ugly."

i thought that was a beautiful thing to say.... i was proud!

I agree.


New Member
Yeah, it's kinda funny when I hear someone remark about, say, a guy's car or something. Like "hey, man that car's a beauty" and the other guy says "thanks, appreciate that".

I guess it's an indirect compliment that the other guy is noticing your "good taste" in picking out a vehicle.

But again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, now isn't it?
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