Set up the booth today. There's a lot to see at this show from a variety of sources across multiple facets of our industry. Def worth a trip!
Here's a tip- if you only plan to stay for a couple of hours, park at the lot on 12th street across from reading terminal market. When coming down 12th from Vine St, go through the conv center tunnel and its in the next block on the right. Take your parking ticket into Reading Terminal market, sample the amazing food selection, get your parking ticket validated and parking is $4. It's a 2 minute walk from there into the show hall. Heck if you stay longer parking is a bit more but you get a discount with your validated ticket.
I know Philly conv ctr has a rep as being tough to get to but its really not. From the Ben Franklin bridge to the booth today took less than 10 minutes easy peasy.
Hope to see a bunch of folks the next few days!