Premium Subscriber
Okay, we've been in business 30 years and I've been doing this stuff almost 40 years. Many things have come and gone in this industry, but one that is certainly here to stay is the computer with all of its pros and cons.
This just happened yesterday. I was going down my in-box and saw nothing unusual. Just happened to check my junk folder and low and behold, there's an e-mail from someone I didn't recognize. I almost hit delete and noticed out in the 'Title' column it had a word I did understand. I opened it and presto, there was an invoice from something I got earlier in the day.
Seems this vendor is cutting costs in a variety of ways. Instead of have three part ncr packing slips and invoices, they are generating packing slips through Quickbooks and giving that with the merchandise. At the end of the day, they have a guy send our pdf invoices via the internet and this is what we're to pay from, from now on. For us, this is not what we're set up to do, nor is it any better for us. I feel the vendor's role is to facilitate our doing better and his doing what he/she can do to keep us a happy customer. This method is much more of a headache for us, but I can understand their need or want to cut costs... but at our expense. I now have to do secretarial work in order to make sure nothing slips through. On occasions, we have problems with our e-mail, as I'm sure many of you do and this just doesn't sound like a very reliable means to collect your money.
How many of you are receiving all... or any of your invoices in this manner ?? Is it just a young thing and a sign of the times that we're becoming more lazy and cheap in collecting and many standard business modes are being replaced with which is now considered the new business norm ??
Out of many-many vendors of ours, this is the only one of ours in both personal and business companies which are doing this.