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"No Guns Allowed" logo design challenge


New Member
I was reading this article:


The gist is that some people are so hoplophobic they can't even bear the sight of a gun, on a "No Guns Allowed" sign.

I think most of the easy to read hieroglyphic style signs we use daily for this like "men's room" "no smoking" etc...are easy to understand, not matter your language. They are so basic, I just don't think anything else would be as effective.

So, since one of the people in the article suggested designing a logo to use instead of the standard black silhouette with a red cross through it to designate "No Guns Allowed"....I thought it would make an excellent design challenge to see if anyone here could come up with something as universally understood as the existing sign.

I for one am at a loss, and I will declare my bias by stating that I think some of these folks are a little "off"


Active Member
I designed a decal based loosely on a Beretta 9mm and spring assisted SOG knife with Tanto blade. Did I go to far?:rolleyes:


Premium Subscriber
The signs will be about as effective as locks on your front door. It alerts and keeps the honest people away. The thieves and crazies out there are not gonna abide by the rules no matter what you do. No amount of these signs will protect anyone. It will more than likely make the baddies even more sneaky.

Rather than telling people what they can and cannot be doing, these people should be learning by example. These a$$wipes that are ruining it for the rest of us honest citizens, should be made to pay dearly when they ignore the law. Start killing them when caught in the act. Start showing these lowlifes we will no longer tolerate such nonsesne and you will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. No more getting off for driving drunk, killing people and then saying you didn't know any better. Throw them in a dungeon with no light or running water and let them rot with no money from the tax payers to help rehabilitate them. Who cares ??


New Member
I cannot participate, because I don't believe supporting any anti-gun campaign.

Nor do I. However, I racked my brain trying to think of a solution to this concept, and thought it a worthy challenge.

I think it's kind of ludicrous they essentially want to ban silouhettes of guns on signs that ban guns from certain properties.

Hey if anyone doesn't want to try the one for guns, why not substitute "No Smoking"


New Member
The signs will be about as effective as locks on your front door. It alerts and keeps the honest people away. The thieves and crazies out there are not gonna abide by the rules no matter what you do. No amount of these signs will protect anyone. It will more than likely make the baddies even more sneaky.

Rather than telling people what they can and cannot be doing, these people should be learning by example. These a$$wipes that are ruining it for the rest of us honest citizens, should be made to pay dearly when they ignore the law. Start killing them when caught in the act. Start showing these lowlifes we will no longer tolerate such nonsesne and you will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. No more getting off for driving drunk, killing people and then saying you didn't know any better. Throw them in a dungeon with no light or running water and let them rot with no money from the tax payers to help rehabilitate them. Who cares ??

Gino, you are my hero (love it) ------ Please run for president, we need a leader with some nads.....!

:clapping: :wavingflag: :rock-n-roll: :Big Laugh :corndog: :corndog: :corndog: :corndog: :notworthy:

Yea, I can participate either I have a CCL....


Active Member
Around here most of those decals came down shortly after they went up. Big lawsuit because of them. I'll try to be brief: If you decide to not allow guns/weapons you are now legally responsible for "someones" safety.
The word someone in quotes referring to a legal CCW permit holder. Being a courteous and law abiding citizen they leave their weapon(s) in the trunk of their car. Here is the crux of it. Said legal permit holder now gets caught in an altercation not of his doing with no way to defend himself. See where this is going?

It is happening in WI. You're hard pressed to find the decals anywhere now. Exceptions being government buildings and schools.


Rap Master
Here is my entry.
It is based off of common recognizable characters for everyone, so it should be the perfect self-explanatory sign for places like this!

IIRC, Kentucky has actually banned these signs.


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Biker Scout

New Member
OK, I thought about it... I think there should be some common sense among gun owners. And if there needs to be signage to remind us more forgetful types to leave "certain weapons" at home when going to movie theaters, schools, gov't buildings and courthouses. I keep forgetting to leave my RPG at home. This sign would remind me to be more gun conscious.

But these signs should be more specific really... what if a kid brings a shotgun to school, blasts away a few bullies and crappy teachers and says, "Well the sign at the entrance specifically said no Barettas, so I brought my shotgun instead." And a lawyer gets him off.


  • No RPGs.jpg
    No RPGs.jpg
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New Member
The signs will be about as effective as locks on your front door. It alerts and keeps the honest people away. The thieves and crazies out there are not gonna abide by the rules no matter what you do. No amount of these signs will protect anyone. It will more than likely make the baddies even more sneaky.

Rather than telling people what they can and cannot be doing, these people should be learning by example. These a$$wipes that are ruining it for the rest of us honest citizens, should be made to pay dearly when they ignore the law. Start killing them when caught in the act. Start showing these lowlifes we will no longer tolerate such nonsesne and you will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. No more getting off for driving drunk, killing people and then saying you didn't know any better. Throw them in a dungeon with no light or running water and let them rot with no money from the tax payers to help rehabilitate them. Who cares ??

Texas man shoots two men, kills one, after they kidnap him and his wife


A Texas man rebelled against two brothers who kidnapped him and his wife, shooting both and killing one.

The couple, who were not identified by the Colorado County Sheriff’s Office, were held at gunpoint in their home, then forced to drive to the First National Bank of Eagle Lake, where the woman works.

The robbers forced her to withdraw an undisclosed amount of money.

Afterward, the two men forced the husband to drive south on Highway 71. He grabbed a gun he had hidden in this truck and shot both abductors, killing one.




Premium Subscriber
Honestly Photo.........

I think most people believe this, but are so busy being 'Politically Correct' thus letting that get in their way, they lose sight of right and wrong and start finding loopholes and reasons to undermine their own needs. Most of them are called politicians. Makes no difference if you're red or blue..... they are lazy people and don't make a move until it's too late. Oh, we can't execute this guy/girl..... they might be salvageable. So what, is my answer.

These lawyers today make a living out of dragging this stuff out, until other than the victims, no one cares what happens any longer and they eventually get off..... or a light sentence. Can't fill the jails up, that'll cost the taxpayers too much money. Again, so what ?? Get them executed immediately and we can cut the bull-crap and save billions of dollars on worthless pieces of crap. How many Charles Mansons do we need ?? He's been in there for 45 years. At three squares a day, that adds up quickly. Take that times the many others in for doing the same..... and you have a great big waste of bottom-feeders we're keeping alive for no good reason. We could actually afford to buy the whole China Mainland with the money we'd save from our country's worst.


New Member
Not the direction I had in mind for this thread....but awesome non-the-less....LOL

See I thought I was crazy for not being able to think of any design solution....I think the responses I have seen here so far prove my point that the concept to boil down something so basic to a new logo is absurd.

FYI - I am thinking about putting this sign up in my office...used my EDC as the silhouette.
