• I want to thank all the members that have upgraded your accounts. I truly appreciate your support of the site monetarily. Supporting the site keeps this site up and running as a lot of work daily goes on behind the scenes. Click to Support Signs101 ...

Not liking the new site design.


New Member
Fred, I like the new look, will take some time to find our way around.

I also think the pages works well at bottom for me, I scroll down looking through threads, when I reach the bottom, I have to scroll back up to pages to continue.



New Member
I am thankful for the better search and for the stability. Thank you Fred for all your effort for making this forum so successful.

The only two (very small) complaints would be 1.The page links not being on the bottom of the thread lists (like others have mentioned) And 2.when viewing on my ipad it asks me if I want to download the app. Not sure why anyone would want to use a slower, smaller version of the forum with less features, but thats a personal preference I suppose. Most other forums ask once when you enter them, but this one asks at every single link and makes it unusable really.


New Member
corndog? I can see you but can't get you to post. what am I doing wrong??:corndog::corndog: when I click on the corndog, I get an ad for supply 55::loveya:corndog:

Ok, I can see them after I post but the corndog/supply 55 ad seemed odd


New Member
Pretty much like when Facebook and other social media sites change the layout people hate change but generally they get used to it.


New Member
It's different but it's not that bad.
Like someone said about having the pages at the bottom of the page would be an improvement.
Thanks for all you do, Fred.


There is a page navigation menu at the bottom of every thread.


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Quit buggin' me
Like a new pair of shoes - feels odd at first and a week later can't remember how the old ones fit.
Seems like a lot of hard work Fred, I hope it is more interesting for you than it looks.

Thank you.

wayne k
guam usa


Old Member
Fred, I like the new location of the page numbers, it makes more sense there now. You know everyone will get used to that just like they'll get used to everything else, please leave it. Thanks for continuing with the hard work!


New Member
OMG! Did someone say they are updating facebook??? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.


But really I do like the update and the new navigation. The few minor things I miss are almost already forgotten by the new things I like.

Good job and thanks for the best place on the web!


New Member
If you are using IE9 and having the issue I had in post 24 try clicking on compatibility view!

See screen shot!

Doing this corrected both issues for me!


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New Member
I'm not really one to complain. buuuuuuut... ummmm, yeah. It's probably fine and all.

Welllllllllllllllll, ...could we try it with the logo just an insy little bit bigger? ...maybe 105%.

...and the blue. It's a touch dusky. Could you freshen that up so it pops more. But not periwinkle. I HATE periwinkle. More cerulean-ish, though.

oooooh oh, try rounding the corners on the advertising boxes. That'll make them more friendlierly.

...and the sub-menu headers, those just have to be buttons. The shimmery looking kind so people know they are buttons... that they can press... and it takes 'em to a different page and all. Definitely they need to be buttons.

Then too, the "thread pirate guy" needs a bigger patch on his eye so we know he's really a pirate. If you can't do the patch, maybe we could have an FAQ with a description. You know, if you click the "thread pirate guy" --- it takes you to a page that tells you it's a "Thread Pirate" --- so people know what he is.​

...and a more colorful parrot. He needs a more colorful parrot.

:thread And, I've always been meaning to ask, what's he holding in his left hand? Is that a maul stick?

Annnnyway, I broke my weed-wacker last weekend and I need to get a new one. I've always had a straight shaft, but I'm thinking about maybe getting a curved shaft this time. I'm not sure what the benefits are of having a curved shaft, though. Anyone care to chime in with there preferences? Pros/Cons?

Also, it was a 2-stroke. But I've cleared quite a bit on our lot now, and there's more to do this year. I'm thinking I should step up to a 4-stroke or maybe even a 5 or 6 stroke engine to get things done faster. If I could find one.....

Finally, if it makes any difference, it's crucial that it be red. That's my favorite color, and it helps me to find it when I set it under the bushes.

Other than that, it's all cool!

Thanks Fred --- et al! I'm sure it was a PITA to upgrade.



New Member
fixed some of my issues by setting the view from 100%down to 75%. had some stuff overlapping so I couldn't read it, now is OK. Thanks Fred for looking into the other issue I had. all is good and the new format is growing on me

John Butto

New Member

fixed some of my issues by setting the view from 100%down to 75%. had some stuff overlapping so I couldn't read it, now is OK. Thanks Fred for looking into the other issue I had. all is good and the new format is growing on me
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