I'm not really one to complain. buuuuuuut... ummmm, yeah. It's probably fine and all.
Welllllllllllllllll, ...could we try it with the logo just an insy little bit bigger? ...maybe 105%.
...and the blue. It's a touch dusky. Could you freshen that up so it pops more. But not periwinkle. I HATE periwinkle. More cerulean-ish, though.
oooooh oh, try rounding the corners on the advertising boxes. That'll make them more friendlierly.
...and the sub-menu headers, those just have to be buttons. The shimmery looking kind so people know they are buttons... that they can press... and it takes 'em to a different page and all. Definitely they need to be buttons.
Then too, the "thread pirate guy" needs a bigger patch on his eye so we know he's really a pirate. If you can't do the patch, maybe we could have an FAQ with a description. You know, if you click the "thread pirate guy" --- it takes you to a page that tells you it's a "Thread Pirate" --- so people know what he is.
...and a more colorful parrot. He needs a more colorful parrot.

And, I've always been meaning to ask, what's he holding in his left hand? Is that a maul stick?
Annnnyway, I broke my weed-wacker last weekend and I need to get a new one. I've always had a straight shaft, but I'm thinking about maybe getting a curved shaft this time. I'm not sure what the benefits are of having a curved shaft, though. Anyone care to chime in with there preferences? Pros/Cons?
Also, it was a 2-stroke. But I've cleared quite a bit on our lot now, and there's more to do this year. I'm thinking I should step up to a 4-stroke or maybe even a 5 or 6 stroke engine to get things done faster. If I could find one.....
Finally, if it makes any difference, it's crucial that it be red. That's my favorite color, and it helps me to find it when I set it under the bushes.
Other than that, it's all cool!
Thanks Fred --- et al! I'm sure it was a PITA to upgrade.