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Ok you Apple Sheep !


Quit buggin' me
And there we have it. Present proof and the argument turns to non factual data.

I already acknowledged defeat although I'm not sure that I am actually arguing.
Note that my "non-factual data" comes from a Russian hosted "Photo of the day" site.

wayne k
guam usa


  • update_for_your_computer.jpg
    47.7 KB · Views: 108

The Vector Doctor

Chief Bezier Manipulator
Not true they have the smallest share in smart phones, tablets, and mp3 players. They have the highest name recognition but the smallest marketshare worldwide.

Their marketing department is top notch right up their with McDonalds & Coke. Hell, I am sure you could find some tribe somewhere in africa that wouldn't know how to use an indoor toilet and they would know an Iphone if they saw one.

Don't confuse stock prices and brand recognition with actual market share please. Two totally different categories. They dominate one but, not the other.

Believe it or not the hottest smartphone maker worldwide right now is Huawei (pronounced WAH-way) they are set to make Iphones look like the old bricks. (I know some of us are old enough to remember those.)

Where are you getting your stats about mp3 players and tablets?


"The iPod is still the king after 10 years
While iPod unit sales have been expectedly declining for years because of iPhone cannibalization, the music player is still the king of the MP3 player market. Citing data from NPD, CFO Peter Oppenheimer said the iPod still enjoys a market share of more than 70% in the MP3 player market.
Fellow researcher GFK also says the iPod also remains the top-selling MP3 player in "most countries." The device just recently saw its 10th birthday, yet it remains top dog even after an entire decade.


Amazon.com Inc. (AMZN) lost share in the tablet market in the first quarter as Kindle Fire sales slumped and Apple Inc. (AAPL)’s iPad widened its lead to 68 percent, IDC said.


New Member
The tired old mac vs pc topic is akin to arguing which religion is better .... you've got yours and I've got mine and there's likely not much either of us is going to say to convince the other to change their viewpoint.


New Member

I initially took my inspiration from this site


but have since found my own way.....

:U Rock: :ROFLMAO: :loveya:

what a great site! i was so inspired, after a brief mediation in the "art closet"
decided to give origamiblouder.com a run for their money.
would you believe PottyOrigami.com was available???? what luck!
tomorrow i'll start practicing on a "Performance Art option" but initially will offer just,
the fold, the wad, combo fold/wad, a goose and optional pedestal base (4.5" cylinder in natural brown).


New Member
We all have our preferences and once we encounter a load of problems with any one product, we make the choice to give it up or work with it. I personaly do not own an Apple Computer, I find them pricey.....but I also find them very easy to use. My kids all have one for school and they love them. They do have LESS issues than any other computer that I have owned. To each his own.


New Member
Well, to throw my own $0.02 in, after all this...

Computers are tools.
(Most) users are tools. :p
The choice of hardware doesn't really matter any more, since the only PC platform now is x86-64.
For most purposes, the software doesn't really matter either. You can get work done with just about any system.

What it all boils down to, for me at least, is openness. Microsoft and Apple have both had a long history of trying to lock everything down to their own proprietary technology.

Microsoft's idea of an industry standard is a specification that only they fully understand, while they give everyone else enough knowledge to be dangerous with. They lock people in by obfuscating the standards so that it's difficult to inter-operate with their data. The data is closed, the system is open.

Apple is better about conforming to neutral industry standards, and built OSX on top of a significant chunk of open source software. However, their entire ecosystem is tied to a closed system -- iTunes. They lock people in by simply making it hard to get your data out of their system. The data is open, but the system is closed.

Those are also pretty much the two approaches that almost every proprietary software vendor in the computer world takes. While we can count on Apple and Microsoft to stick around for a long time yet, what about the small vendors? Some of them develop things like ERP and other mission-critical business systems. What happens when they go *poof*?

That's why, whenever possible, I lean toward using FOSS software. It doesn't always mean freedom from licensing or support costs, but at least the underlying system source and data formats are readily available and (usually) fully documented.

That, more than anything else, is why I use Linux both at work and at home. I also use BSD Unix (it makes a great firewall system). However, it doesn't do everything I need (while Inkscape and the GIMP are good, they're not equal to Adobe products, which means that I'm still locked in by Adobe). So I have to keep both Windows and OS X around. And I'm fine with that. They're just additional tools, after all.


New Member
How much better than NO ISSUES can you get for any machine.
I have no issues with my PC's not one in over 8 years..


Active Member
Does the customer really care what it was designed in/on?

There are some that actually think that them having a Mac and/or PC would affect that outcome. I know the one that I referenced in an earlier post in this thread thought that as he mentioned that very thing.


New Member
OldGoatRoper hehe no need to get cranky, and prove how intelligent you are. Let's agree that having a PC is like needing to wear condoms all the time, and only sleeping with ugly women.(that you keep under your desk anyway) While MAC is like not needing a condom and sleeping with pretty women, except you can't play as many games. Enjoy your PC!


Active Member
Let's agree that having a PC is like needing to wear condoms all the time, and only sleeping with ugly women.(that you keep under your desk anyway) While MAC is like not needing a condom and sleeping with pretty women, except you can't play as many games.

I wouldn't agree with that at all. That just perpetuates certain myths and it's those myths that lead to threads like this one.

Apparently, based on that article it looks like even Apple is thinking that condoms are needing to be used in certain instances though.


Roper of Goats. Old ones.
OldGoatRoper hehe no need to get cranky, and prove how intelligent you are.

Really? I proved I was intelligent?


Let's agree that having a PC is like needing to wear condoms all the time, and only sleeping with ugly women.(that you keep under your desk anyway) While MAC is like not needing a condom and sleeping with pretty women, except you can't play as many games.

Ummmmm.... no. Its not like that at all.


New Member
Let's agree that having a PC is like needing to wear condoms all the time, and only sleeping with ugly women.(that you keep under your desk anyway) While MAC is like not needing a condom and sleeping with pretty women, except you can't play as many games.

So a PC user is like a sumbag running around with low life whores and risking catching diseases? geeses,, the snobbery ,,,,