Just a "heads up" on why HDvinyl posted this if you might be curious, if you do not care, don't read any further.
About a month ago someone on here posted a site called Digital Point where people buy logos from $5 to $50. People from all over the world go on there to get logos and you compete with others. Think it is based in England. Signed up and put one of my avatars on there and proceeded to play. It has been interesting to say the least. Some of these people are very talented and some are not. Just like here. Well HDvinyl must have been stalking me and emailed that he wanted a logo done for $10 or $20 and the name was LooksFast graphix since he saw my postings on DigitalPrint, I presume he was trying to get me to do it and he upsells it for $100, just like DigitalPrint. Told him $50 and sent him the logo as I posted on here. He emailed back and said he needed more "racecar" looking font and a snide comment on a mustache. I replied not to bother me with any more of his trivia business deals. If you want to get a rat out of a hole, throw out a morsel and wait silently. Well he came out this morning and then left his droppings.