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Presidential debate...let's hear your thoughts

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New Member
Trump is a man who has shown and done some wonderful things around the world and in this country. However, on the other hand, you have a person in your corner who has had symptoms and breakdowns of brain fades, which last for a minute or two.... loses her train of thought, doesn't want guns in our hands, but has an army surrounding her whom ALL carry guns. Around the world, she has botched almost every deal she's come in contact with from Benghazi to Libya to all of the such 'n' such gates following her around of how she's swindled millions. Yes swindled, deceitfully confiscated under the guise of people doing her dirty work. While Trump might not be the best candidate, Hillary is not worth a frickin' word she says. All lies. She's been in this business for some 25 years or so, but around it since the 70's, so she should know exactly how to handle things and all she's mastered is the art of a crafty, deceitful slimy politician.
It won't matter who gets in for some, but others will be grossly taken advantage of if she makes it. :covereyes:

would you please list the "wonderful"things that Trump has done? when I look at what he has done, I see nothing wonderful, only self serving. what it really comes down to is we have rich self centered guy who doesn't have a clue how the country works and has no experience at all going for the most powerful job on the planet. he has lied and cheated his way to where he is today. he has the morals of a hamster in heat. on the other had we have a person who has lied and cheated their way to where they are today. she can't be trusted to tell you the time let alone anything important. she allowed her hamster in heat to get away with it as she is in it for the power. the difference between these sad excuses for human beings is one is clueless about the job and the other knows what is expected and knows how things work in the world. it is a sad day when you vote which scumbag will run the country based on who at least knows what the freaking job actually entails


New Member
it is a sad day when you vote which scumbag will run the country based on who at least knows what the freaking job actually entails

Why is the Presidential Bar set in two places for the same office, one bar is apparently about ankle high so he can just take a step and he is over, while the other appears over her head, requiring a pole to vault over?

Again, I cannot support either, but this whole idea of two standards for the same office seems childish at best.


New Member
Why is the Presidential Bar set in two places for the same office, one bar is apparently about ankle high so he can just take a step and he is over, while the other appears over her head, requiring a pole to vault over?

Again, I cannot support either, but this whole idea of two standards for the same office seems childish at best.

get real, the bar has been tossed out in this election. he has his supporters and yes, most of them scare the hell out of me as I wonder how they can support such a low life. she doesn't rally have supporters,only those who have to support her because there is no other choice but to vote for her. both are corrupt, each in their own ways. neither should be in a position to do the job but the sad truth is they are. I am not voting for Hilary, I am voting against Trump and that is the saddest thing on earth as I am not alone in this. our country deserves better than this yet this is what it has come down to. we don't pick from the best of the best, my guy Bernie got screwed by the dems and cheated. he was running as one of them and not an independent so not to be a spoiler candidate and they cheated him so they could put their golden child Hilary up front. what they forgot was everyone hates her. when a candidate has to work on looking human, there's a big problem. Trump was a joke taken too far. when he first started in all of this I think most saw him as a reality star and a joke. unfortunately the GOP as let in tea party and religious zealots and that is what they put up against Trump so of course he could knock them off as they too were nothing more than one hit wonders. now they are stuck with this clown and they hate that as much as anyone. do you really think the GOP is behind their candidate? no of course they aren't. they just hope he swings things in directions they can deal with. they only ones who really love him are the poor fools who believe his lies and think he is a "regular"guy which he is anything but that. from his own book he say tell a lie three times and people will believe it. tell them what they want to hear, play up to their dreams. it is all part of his clearly stated plans, not a regular guy who cares about people


Premium Subscriber
would you please list the "wonderful"things that Trump has done? when I look at what he has done, I see nothing wonderful, only self serving. what it really comes down to is we have rich self centered guy who doesn't have a clue how the country works and has no experience at all going for the most powerful job on the planet. he has lied and cheated his way to where he is today. he has the morals of a hamster in heat. on the other had we have a person who has lied and cheated their way to where they are today. she can't be trusted to tell you the time let alone anything important. she allowed her hamster in heat to get away with it as she is in it for the power. the difference between these sad excuses for human beings is one is clueless about the job and the other knows what is expected and knows how things work in the world. it is a sad day when you vote which scumbag will run the country based on who at least knows what the freaking job actually entails

All ya hafta do is listen to him and he'll tell ya all of his accomplishments. :ROFLMAO:

Actually Wollman Rink and Grand Hyatt along with the Trump Tower are among the best known. Many of our presidents were not career politicians and were something else before they became elected. It's nothing more than a popularity contest and this one is probably the best one ever. Was Roosevelt self-centered ?? He didn't let anyone know about his condition and he allowed quite a few people die, before he was forced into war. He also had some affairs. Kinda sounds like Kennedy and many others. Nixon got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, doing what EVERY other politician did, but he got caught and eventually admitted it. Unlike either of the Clintons who just lie and lie and lie. No need to call these people names, just hold them to the same standards the rest of us must.


New Member
All ya hafta do is listen to him and he'll tell ya all of his accomplishments. :ROFLMAO:

Unlike either of the Clintons who just lie and lie and lie. No need to call these people names, just hold them to the same standards the rest of us must.

Yes, let's hold them to the same standards

"Trump has built a cottage industry around stretching the truth. According to POLITICO’s five-day analysis, Trump averaged about one falsehood every three minutes and 15 seconds over nearly five hours of remarks.

In raw numbers, that’s 87 erroneous statements in five days."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/sto...#ixzz4LgOuBxeI
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"Certainly, Trump’s voluminous file is partly due to the fact that he simply talks more. His rallies this week were longer, his media appearances more regular. Clinton took two days off the trail for debate prep. But that doesn’t come close to accounting for the discrepancy.

Though Clinton spoke for less than half as long as Trump, extrapolating the frequency of her misstatements suggests that even if she, too, spoke for as many hours as Trump, he'd still surpass her nearly four times over."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/sto...#ixzz4LgPF0vGm
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on time and under budget. https://www.trumphotels.com/washington-dc/old-post-office-transformation

govt run enterprises - mostly all over budget and collapsing or failing. Solyndra - US Postal - Obamacare - "Shovel Ready jobs" w/20 trillion price tag - lets not forget "cash for clunkers" and on and on.

if you can get past the emotional stuff you will see he has accomplishments. No one is without flaws.

I cannot recall any of Hillary's accomplishments.

Neither can she..........................


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David Wright

New Member
Yes, if you believe your left wing sources.

The big thing, the very big thing is, Trump hasn't lied, repeatedly and on record to the FBI.
Hell, Martha Stewart went to jail for one lie, and I think that was on some secondary question in her interview.



Active Member
on time and under budget. https://www.trumphotels.com/washington-dc/old-post-office-transformation

govt run enterprises - mostly all over budget and collapsing or failing. Solyndra - US Postal - Obamacare - "Shovel Ready jobs" w/20 trillion price tag - lets not forget "cash for clunkers" and on and on.

if you can get past the emotional stuff you will see he has accomplishments. No one is without flaws.

I cannot recall any of Hillary's accomplishments.

Yeah, using our taxpayer funds to get rich is a real accomplishment. Many of his early projects started with HUD grants, loan guarantees, etc. Many of his projects rely on tax abatements to be completed. Taking advantage of our bankruptcy courts six times the costs of which are ultimately borne by taxpayers and the creditors, who end up writing those uncollectable debts off their taxes.

Being a party and usually the defendant on over 3,500 lawsuits is an accomplishment worthy of admiration.

Your want people to "get past" emotional arguments to see his real accomplishments, but you you can't do the same thing for the other candidate, let alone see the misdeeds of the person you are supporting with mostly emotional arguments.


New Member
on time and under budget. https://www.trumphotels.com/washington-dc/old-post-office-transformation

govt run enterprises - mostly all over budget and collapsing or failing. Solyndra - US Postal - Obamacare - "Shovel Ready jobs" w/20 trillion price tag - lets not forget "cash for clunkers" and on and on.

if you can get past the emotional stuff you will see he has accomplishments. No one is without flaws.

I cannot recall any of Hillary's accomplishments.

so why not get government out of those enterprises and let the free market take over? Donny is a thieving con who doesn't pay his contractors, Hillary is your typical crooked politician.



Premium Subscriber
So, if I got this right..... so far, no one here wants Hillary and no one wants Trump. Voting for one of the other two is just a statement in folly, so, like has been mentioned why not vote for the person who doesn't have a lousy track record in politics ?? Both are liars, both are cheats and both will say anything...... so take away the red and blue markers and the emotion.......... what do you have ?? :banghead:


New Member
techman says you cant trust the MEDIA............geee.........he proves the point with that.............. why not to vote for trump)))))
KELLY ANN CONWAY......................MEDIA
STEVE BANNON..............................MEDIA
ROGER AILES..................................MEDIA...........THEY ALL WORK FOR TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!

all so trustworty)))))))))


New Member
rachel isnt EMPLOYEED BY hillary)))) steve bannon...BRIETBART....roger ailes FOX NES))))) they both work for the donald.........AND HE SAID THE MEDIA IS CORRUPT......that is the point)))))))))))))))


New Member
sounds like your upset someone was keen enough and did well within the laws of the land? perhaps you should be upset at the people that made those laws not the ones that abide by them.

lying to the FBI is not an emotion. its a crime
being part of the political racket that controls the DOJ and being above the law is not an emotion. its tyranny.
promising 20,00 job to new yorkers and not producing any is not an emotion. its a failure to produce.
watching the event unfold in Benghazi for 13hour from a drone and doing nothing is not emotional.
worrying about how to frame the response to Benghazi so as to not mess up obamas re-election is not emotional.
lying to gold star mothers about a spontaneous protest is not emotional.
receiving millions in donations in a quid pro quo scheme is not emotional. its a crime.
i can go on for quite some time.

Yeah, using our taxpayer funds to get rich is a real accomplishment. Many of his early projects started with HUD grants, loan guarantees, etc. Many of his projects rely on tax abatements to be completed. Taking advantage of our bankruptcy courts six times the costs of which are ultimately borne by taxpayers and the creditors, who end up writing those uncollectable debts off their taxes.

Being a party and usually the defendant on over 3,500 lawsuits is an accomplishment worthy of admiration.

Your want people to "get past" emotional arguments to see his real accomplishments, but you you can't do the same thing for the other candidate, let alone see the misdeeds of the person you are supporting with mostly emotional arguments.
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