just got an update from a chris190 that the printer is in customs and will be in the USA in a few weeks.
yeah. chris190 updated on the vinyl express thread.
latest update from rubo. i got a call from him yesterday and his sepiax was giving him fits. it really needs the right dx5 head with the special metals to avoid clogging. i think it's time to put the sepiax dog to sleep. i wish it weren't true. but it's just not happening.
i'm just burned out. been in the inkjet/CMYK business for about 14 years straight. printed substrates are a commodity and there will be a glut of used flatbeds over the next 5 years. the art business is almost destroyed by the digital age (and even i had my own tiny bit to do with it). so looking forward to new complexities.
if it works out of the box, i'm bored with it before i get started.