Rick I officially hate you.
That last one is even better than the first ones.
Gino, yours makes my crotch burn.
Gnatt and Tiki I like those too!
Since I have nothing better to do than munch Percocet I worked on something this morning but it totally sucks.
Here's a pic of Fred's new building he bought for $179K, the crappy idea I had (hey my logos start at $250 so I was pleased to get $500) and Fred's re-fabbed building. He hired Signmeup to make the 3-D fondue fork. Sorry about my dubious light sources.
One of the things that I always hate about my work is that it always looks like a sign not a logo.
Thanks for participating and if anyone else is bored, let's see how you'd handle this.
I was just kidding about the Percocet.
Fred and his wife are planning on living in the top upstairs apartment in this building and renting the other. They don't mind the smell of burnt cheese.