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Screw you 3M.

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Go Bills!
these shops charge a premium

yea, so do I, on just about everything I do, so......

In the end it's a piece of vinyl with glue on the back and ink on the front. If you provide the service they need and it doesn't fail, you've done your job, it's smoke and mirrors baby.....


“Is 3M our competitor now?”
We created a model that includes a network of endorsed graphics manufacturers to produce the graphics and endorsed installers to install them.

Uh, you bought Original Wraps - printers, laminators etc included. I've seen the job postings for OW you are competing with my past employers and others.


Active Member
It is call CYA. And it is terribly convenient to hide behind the cloak of corporate policy when faced with a dilemma.
The best that can be hoped for is being spoon fed vague soundbites approved by HQ.

They have their business model we have ours. At this juncture they are at odds so the switch is being made.


New Member
Our participation in the automotive OEM commercial fleet graphics industry has generated a lot of conversation, and we respect your right to voice opinions.

We've been listening to the discussion on this forum, and take your concerns seriously. We do want to address questions that were asked and provide an opportunity to clarify any misunderstanding. Please visit go.3m.com/3MOriginalWrapsFAQs for general information and FAQs.

Jason M. Amidon, 3M Original Wraps

You didn't answer Colorado's first question, "Does Original Wraps print?" Because if you print and sell, it doesn't matter what your link says, you are your customers competitor. Period



Premium Subscriber
I'm trying to be as even-stevens as I can be about all this. I'm a firm believer in not burning your bridges behind you, but 3M..... that letter or whatever you call it.... is pure nonsense. That looks to be as much 'Damage Control' as some transparent politicians... as already mentioned.

Your answers aren't even rehearsed or known to be true and you know it.

I would have more respect for an individual or company to recognize their faults, fess up and try to make amends.

That letter is something one of your lackeys threw together in hopes of calming the natives.

:thumb: Please, either prove your worthiness and start a thread explaining all these problems you are creating or just take your medicine. You, alone..... are creating a rather dangerous direction without even thinking about the ramifications you might receive.​

By all means, this is no threat, but just another observation of your lack of decency. I don't want to be a turncoat, but you are simply providing a natural reason to despise your company.


New Member
The Chinese are trying to flood the market with junk and now they have the technology to print the 3m logo on the back. I may order some as samples.


New Member
Our participation in the automotive OEM commercial fleet graphics industry has generated a lot of conversation, and we respect your right to voice opinions.

We've been listening to the discussion on this forum, and take your concerns seriously. We do want to address questions that were asked and provide an opportunity to clarify any misunderstanding. Please visit go.3m.com/3MOriginalWrapsFAQs for general information and FAQs.

Jason M. Amidon, 3M Original Wraps

Jason, I've left about 3 messages for you through my rep. She said she delivered the message. Obviously you have no interest in answering anyone questions on here. How about you actually call me per my request as your customer. You must be too busy setting up tables at dealerships stealing my customers.


New Member
Hey Jason from 3M.

Let's cut the crap. Let's start with this: "Automotive OEM’s have set stringent requirements to participate in their personalization program. 3M is able to meet their requirements with the following criteria:"
- Are you saying that your company had nothing to do with their "Stringent requirements" for the installers? I can tell you right now, i saw what was installed on MY clients vehicles.. not impressed to say the least. But please do everyone a favor, and stop being naive, you set those standards - not the dealerships...

Next: "3M Original Wraps is directly involved in program coordination only. "
You're still trying to sing that song? You're not competing. You're taking us for a fool, that in itself is plain disrespectful. You Print, and Distribute the graphics, Then you find a company who has paid you money to be certified into your program. Lies, Lies Lies.

If you would please do me the respect of answering a few questions all of us are extremely eager to know.

Please answer these best to knowledge and honestly as possible:

1. Does Original Wraps (a 3M Company) Print?

2. When you choose which companies are worthy of this list, who decides how much those installers are going to charge?

3. When the wrap you print fails (oops answered question 1 for you) Who is responsible for the warranty? Who decides that?

4. If you're not my competition , why are you stealing my customers..And why are you underbidding everything i do? Please I'd like to know. Why are you giving my customers no choice when they BLATANTLY ask for us to do the printing and install?

5. Why does Avery and Oracle Reps stop in regularly from out of state to say hi and check in on me. Yet i spend close to 10's of thousands of dollars some months on 3M, and i haven't seen a rep in 3 years, not to mention.. 3M has a LOCAL rep.. he doesn't have to travel anywhere.

Until your greedy company starts losing money by not selling rolls to the average wrap and sign shops.. then I'm guessing you'll start listening. What happens when The supply companies realize what's going on, and the money they're losing out on because of your direct distribution. You offer your product cheaper then we can. How is that fair.

Last question.

Are you our direct competitor? If not please explain why. Also explain the part where you don't print, and if it's not you, please tell me how you distribute the printing around to companies.

The sheer fact you take us for ignorant fools who has no idea of what's going on is ignorant in itself.

-We Print The wraps
-We distribute the Wraps.

-You Print
-You distribute the wraps.

There you have it 3M vs the Average Wrap shop.


Hey Jason, since you're so versed to helping us. Stop pointing us towards your useless "POS" FAQ page, and answer the questions above.


New Member
I went to your FAQ, first question

Q: "“Is 3M our competitor now?”
A: We created a model that includes a network of endorsed graphics manufacturers to produce the graphics and endorsed installers to install them.

Please have someone who is better educated make your FAQ's, because that isn't an answer. Once again you're insulting me by taking me for a fool.


New Member
Don't worry Adam, they don't do that.....

“Do 3M Original Wrap employees work at each dealership to help sign up customers for the program?”
No. 3M Original Wraps has a sales support team that works with dealerships as needed, but they are not located at dealership sites.


Based on what has been revealed in this thread....pretty much every "answer" (read - diversion) from that link is bull$hit.

that's a lie, because I went there myself and saw them. Also my customer who went there showed me the card he was GIVEN by the 3M rep present.

Again Taking me for a fool. Keep insulting me please.


Not knocking you personally on that but that bid should not have been accepted unless the bid package either did not specify a materal (bad idea) or it stated substituions permitted. A client (state, fed, corp, or whatever) needs to spec materials if they are taking multiple bids so that all bidders are on a level playing feild. For all the client knows someone could have bid dirt cheap General Formulations wrap vinyl for half the cost. Unless of course the bid package stated "substitutions permitted" in which case, rock on, the others guys were idiots. If I see substitutions allowed I'll almost always go with Oracal or something else (if the job and expected life warrants it).

We actually use 3M bids as a winning sales tool.
3M can NOT compete with Oracals warranty. There is no proof that they back it.
We won a 100k job because everyone bid 3M and we bid Oracal media at a better price, plus provided a copy of our OCS certification.

It's all about the warranty and quality of product. If the request it.. Simply bid better with a written warranty.

Ya! I see it all the time!

Very much so. It's extremely thin so you won't get the high gloss of 290.


New Member
Here, Allow me to redo your FAQ in a truthful manner

Frequently Asked Questions:

“Is 3M our competitor now?”
Yes, we print a large bulk of the graphics at our original wraps facility in Colorado

“Maybe we don’t buy as much product from 3M as the big companies, but we’re very loyal, so why compete against your loyal customers?”
We use our own facility to print. And need the money.

“Why would someone leasing a car choose to have it wrapped by the dealership (or dealer selected installer) rather than their chosen local installer?”
Because we want total control over the graphic industry, and give your customer whom we just stole no choice in the matter. Did we mention the customer never meet the installer, or printer so the possibility for a return customer is non existent.

“Who sets the installer requirements to participate in Original Wraps: the dealerships or 3M?” ( interesting question, you just said in your previous post the dealership made the installer requirements. Lies, lies lies)
3M sets the standards based on how much money you pay us to get certified, oh yeah, and hope you don't have too many installers in your zip code certified, that'll also lower your chances.

How much involvement does 3M Original Wraps have? Do they print the graphics? Do they distribute them?”

“Does 3M Original Wraps select installers based on how much they buy from 3M?”

No, based on what their install level is. You have to pay us for that.

“Why does 3M Original Wraps get to decide the installation price for work done in the program?”
Because as mentioned before, we want control over the industry, and make sure you as an installer low ball as much as possible to make sure 3M original wraps gets the jobs. And apparently 90 cents to 1 dollar a SF is industry standard

“Does the 3M Original Wrap program include used cars?”
Yes, we will wrap anything. ( at least that's what the said to my wife asking if she could wrap her old VW.)

“Do 3M Original Wrap employees work at each dealership to help sign up customers for the program?”
Yes, we seat our 3m reps at high volume dealerships.

There we go. I think that sums it up.
I know you print, I can list every single machine in your OW facility. Again, i'm asking politely, why are you trying to take us, your customers, for a fool?
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New Member
Here, Allow me to redo your FAQ in a truthful manner

Frequently Asked Questions:

“Is 3M our competitor now?”
Yes, we print a large bulk of the graphics at our original wraps facility in Colorado

“Maybe we don’t buy as much product from 3M as the big companies, but we’re very loyal, so why compete against your loyal customers?”
We use our own facility to print. And need the money.

“Why would someone leasing a car choose to have it wrapped by the dealership (or dealer selected installer) rather than their chosen local installer?”
Because we want total control over the graphic industry, and give your customer whom we just stole no choice in the matter. Did we mention the customer never meet the installer, or printer so the possibility for a return customer is non existent.

“Who sets the installer requirements to participate in Original Wraps: the dealerships or 3M?” ( interesting question, you just said in your previous post the dealership made the installer requirements. Lies, lies lies)
3M sets the standards based on how much money you pay us to get certified, oh yeah, and hope you don't have too many installers in your zip code certified, that'll also lower your chances.

How much involvement does 3M Original Wraps have? Do they print the graphics? Do they distribute them?”

“Does 3M Original Wraps select installers based on how much they buy from 3M?”
No, based on what their install level is. You have to pay us for that.

“Why does 3M Original Wraps get to decide the installation price for work done in the program?”
Because as mentioned before, we want control over the industry, and make sure you as an installer low ball as much as possible to make sure 3M original wraps gets the jobs. And apparently 90 cents to 1 dollar a SF is industry standard

“Does the 3M Original Wrap program include used cars?”
Yes, we will wrap anything. ( at least that's what the said to my wife asking if she could wrap her old VW.)

“Do 3M Original Wrap employees work at each dealership to help sign up customers for the program?”
Yes, we seat our 3m reps at high volume dealerships.

There we go. I think that sums it up.
I know you print, I can list every single machine in your OW facility. Again, i'm asking politely, why are you trying to take us, your customers, for a fool?

Well, now that I have the TRUE answers, I have made up my mind:

NO MORE MMM, I'm switching to ORACAL, at least they are not coming after my customers.

I may not be one of the big fish on the pound, but I think every vote counts, and that's how I will cast my vote moving forward.



New Member
“Is 3M our competitor now?”
We created a model that includes a network of endorsed graphics manufacturers to produce the graphics and endorsed installers to install them.

Maybe I am reading it wrong, but they didn't really deny it ...

“Maybe we don’t buy as much product from 3M as the big companies, but we’re very loyal, so why compete against your loyal customers?”
Being a part of the OEM network is not based on size of the graphics manufacturer. Because the graphics are covered by the MCS warranty, we use endorsed graphics manufacturers that use MCS warranty components.

It seems to me like they are "ALMOST" admitting it. :p


New Member
I heard AA made a new program.
It's ok everyone. There is support now.


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New Member
“Do 3M Original Wrap employees work at each dealership to help sign up customers for the program?”
No. 3M Original Wraps has a sales support team that works with dealerships as needed, but they are not located at dealership sites.


They're not needed. By anyone.
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